Huuuuuuuge spider next to me and my cats refused to kill it for me .........worst thing is...I ma in the bedroom and its just dissapeared under my wardrobe!!!!! I am dreading going to sleep tonight...
my friends have a few names as their favourites and i was just wondering what you thought about the following names: chloe and olivia? i think they are really nice but my friends don't what about u's?
If anybody wants to know ANYTHING about David Bowie I will save them time doing a google search and answer it for them. Yes I am bored and a little hot. Question like "What did he have for dinner last...
Most people in this world would love to get rich with minimum effort. The MTV generation such as myself are constantly fed with images and lifestyles of the rich on TV everyday. The message they seem...
If this catagory is going to end up on an Oriental meadical advice site, should we not all learn at least one word in their native langauge? It would only be polite. i am going to learn the Chinese...
If you could hit a button and see all recently answered questions for all the categorys rather than just the one you are in at the time? Also, If you could nominate a user that you found most helpful...
Having put a law type question (about dealing with stalkers) on "people and places" because there is no law section - maybe you should have a law questions section.
Recently my husband had an affair. We've been together for 6 years and married for almost 3, have an almost 4 year old daughter and I am 33 weeks pregnant. I was devastated when I found out, but after...
I heard a song on Radio one today, can't remember any words or title or even artist but I remember that she said Pete Tong has been knocking it out loads and that it was a bit like that Baz Lurhmans...
We moved house two months ago. The old house is a good couple of miles away, however our cat keeps finding his way back there. Any sugestions on how to prevent this?
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, hapy birthday dear cobra, happy birthday to you!!! Have a smashing day today hun! Lots of love from me and the girls! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Who do you think you like or who do people tell you you look like? Celebrity wise not your mum and dad. cognition.php you can always try this and see for...
I have been in love with the someone for nearly 10 years. We were together for a while when we were teenagers but both ended up having other relationships over the years. eventually i ended up getting...
How long will it take roughly to tone up a post natal tum, if I do ab execises, walk and eat healthily every day? Also, am I supposed to hurt the next day? I don't mean in agony or anything but just...
Before I start, I realise that this may be a very sensitive subject for some people and I hope I do not offend or upset anyone. I have just heard that a girl I know had an abortion when she was 5...