At what age do you stop sterilising your baby's bottles? Baby Planks is now 8 months old and I still sterilise her bottles even though she sticks everything she finds in her mouth, so I think she had...
Right well its me again for the hundredth time it feels! For those of you that cant remember my 12mth old has been ill since around 13th Dec last year. He started with an ear infection the week before...
Big help needed here. My step daughter's half sister is 13 years old and has a serious eating problem. She's already a size 12 and is getting bigger. She eats anything and everything and often steals...
In 2006 I bought a jade bangle. It was forced on to my wrist and now I would like to take it off. Short of breaking the bangle how can I get it off? I have tried using hand cream, soap, and putting my...
Do you agree with the minister? Now as someone who can put on half a stone smelling a bacon sandwich, I'm not suggesting we got out and verbally abuse fat people...
All I know about the song is it has the words be my? or be mine? in it. Not much to go on I know it does say be mine? or be my? quite a few times. And i'm guessing the song isn't more than say 4...
There has been a lot of guff spewed in recent days on the subject of Frankie Boyle and how he is unfunny and racist. I'm not saying that Tramadol Nights was funny, it wasn't great. However, on Mock...
All the fresh veg , ie carrots parnsips etc has frozen whilst in the garage, where usually they keep well. Will they still be ok to use when they have defrosted ? Thanks
If,as seems lilkely(as I now have blood sugars that are too high) if my GP will diagnoses me as Diabetic,can any AB Diabetics tell me what foods I will have to avoid? I have Googled it,but they only...
Had the big and what looks like totally finalised split last night. how the blinking hell do I get over it when he's still living in my house? he wants to get through the weekend and act like normal...
I can understand that you sometimes have to have a crown to replace a missing (front) tooth. Why do people have a perfectly set of teeth all crowned so that they end up looking like they have a full...