I think it would be a good idea to call this Suggestions and Comments as it's good to read feedback on people's experiences with the site without necessarily making suggestions for improvements.
Does anyone know the true story behind the 'rude' episode of Rainbow as per: http://rainbow.arch.scriptmania.com/rainbow_tv_episode.h tml You can read the script while waiting for the clip to load,...
I don't know if I'm the only dill who does this, but nearly everytime i post answer I press the post answer button instead of the submit button at the bottom, and then move on only to discover I've...
In lieu of that the latest USA school massacre, i'm prompted to ask your opinions on the movie "Elephant". I found it made me think about it for far longer than "Shooting For Columbine" although I...
Hi FP, I've been trying to submit an answer to your "exposed pregnant tums" post below but for some reason can't get it to work. Basically as a male approaching your age bracket I'm appalled at the...
This week we had a beautiful little doco on oz TV in which Ian Smith (Harold Bishop in neighbours) revealed he was only told he was adopted when he was 54 and his adoptive mum was dying. He was...
What usage of grammar makes you stop and think "is that correct"? (that's probably bad grammar) I always have to stop and think about "Hone" and "Home (in)" and if the right one has been...
Could Quiz and crossword people please specify that is all they want when posting a question. Thinking someone is interested I have supplied photos and websites as well as researching answers only to...
X-words seem to be taking over the site! I just visited Home and garden for the first time and the first three questions are x-words! I used to enjoy the quizzes and puzzles section because there was...
I'm wondering why Americans say "I could care less" instead of "I couldn't care less" when surely the first statement is actually saying "I'm still mildly interested"?
Can someone explain to us in foreign parts, what exactly is the CAB test and why is it so important to complete it that you have to ask for all the answers. Is there a reward or something?