When I click on this (above) - I get a short run of the program until it gets to 'Tuning Windows Media Decoder' then the computer stops-hangs-up and freezes! What's going on;I've used this function...
About a year ago I thought I'd lost my 'Powermonkey', it's handy for mobiles,etc. Well I found it again,but now it won't charge! I left it charging? ALL night but the light was still on Red and...
After downloading some tunes from Youtube I now find I have a file on my desktop called 'Roberta Flack' which has no value and is UNDELETABLE. If I click on delete I'm told that the file doesn't exist...
I live in the north east and receive my tv signal from Pontop Pyke and my local tv station is Tyne Tees and yet I can get about 30 radio stations(radio1/2/3/4/5,etc) but I can't get Radio...
Given that the HS2 train weighs several hundreds of tonnes and that it will travel at several hundreds of miles per hour,what sort of damaging 'vortex' is it going to pull behind it? and who will pay...
I did a full backup of my main drive(it showed 161Gb of the drive used) onto an external WD Passport drive of 250GB capacity , which took about 1hr.30m. and when I checked the external drive it showed...
For no apparent reason I get a warning/message saying that Windows cannot find "C:\Program Files\HP\Digital Imaging\Bin\HPQSRMON.EXE". What does this mean and how can I get this file and...
How do I get a recording of my voice 'greet' me when I click on Firefox and my page opens on the Google site. If I click on Firefox it opens on my Google page and I would then like to have a recorded...
I've just used 'Recuva' (a program from Piriform) after having used the CCleaner program earlier to Wipe Free Space off my hard drive(which took HOURS!!!), to try and find a JPG picture I had just...
My ISP (Talktalk)claimed,when I signed the contract, that I would get up-to 8Mb. The best I ever got (using ThinkBroadband as a tester) showed 5.2Mb. Now they've sent me a 'flyer' claiming that they...
I open Windows Media Player,go to the burn option,insert a CD-R disc into my D drive,select Audio cd and drag my songs across 'till I've got roughly 16/17/ or 18 songs/tunes in the list. I then click...
I've just replaced my internal drive and now am really struggling to tranfer all of my 'stuff' off my external drive! I used Macrium to make a backup of my C: drive ( I made 3 copies at different...
Can anyone help with a problem relating to Office 2007 programs I use regularly which have changed a 'setting' that I didn't change ? It relates to Excel and Word, using Windows7 and concerns the...
If I (at the command prompt) enter the line xcopy c: j: /d/s does this mean that I will copy everything from my c drive to my external drive j and if at a later date I then add the letter e before the...