Please can you help with the following ? The answers contain the name of a bird including natives migrants and occasional visitors fact fiction myth tv film and song 11 The noise they make (8) 14....
Last 2 Please can you help Airedale quiz 2 words beginning with R some have 'and' 'the' or 'or' in the middle - just left with 15. They store things up (5 7) 21. Biblical Twins (7 5) I can only think...
Please can you help with the following Airedale quiz 2 words beginning with R some have 'and' 'the' or 'or' in the middle 11. Often made by children (4 7) 15. They store things up (5 7) 16. Lowest of...
Please can you help with the following? Two words stating with the same letter - No number of letters given 47. informal name for a telephone, made from fleece 71 Writing or news , Lancaster 81 Lords...
Please can you help with the following? Film titles containing one or more numbers - The lower case letter indicates the number 18. T M H t F 24. o N S 26. o G C 32. I A N f 35. e L F 37. B t H 38. A...
Answers are a word that begins with an item of food - no number of letters Please can you help? 1. Clever Dick 5. Wild flower 12. Pembrokeshire port 13. Nothing upstairs 20. A very small amount 30....
Please can you help with the following? Better known as - no number of letters given 47. Manavia Glassy quiz - items that may be made of or contain glass 35. Quiet little fairy! (5) 38. Pageants (10)...
Last 3 Please can you help Things used in baking 18. full o' late 19. a head facing left shouting eeee (underneath) 20. famous clown A (crossed out) Hope that you can make sense of the clues...
Please can you help with the following - no number of letters given 11. Grin and bear it if you can't make it better. 13. was this why Jane's Emma went to Bath 22. Would this treatment suit 'er...
Please can you help with the following? 3.If you hinder it spoils the picnic (6) 13. Put the pennant to back no (6) 14. Library holders (9) Bookcases?? 23. Just pucker up (5) 25. The valuable bust (8...
'Happened' upon this series and it looked interesting so recorded it. It has John Thaw in it so must be at least 14 years old; Sarah Lancashire & Joe McFadden 'Raf' di Lucca in Holby. Thoroughly...
I have just had an email to my main email from a friend who has received an email that my sister in law sent to my other email address. These two people have no connection with each other How could...
Last 3 please can you help all the answers contain Last or Final 34. I will do it if I really have to (4 6) 37. Poetry for children (3 4 6) (I have seen this answered as The last leaves but can't find...
Please can you help with the following: The last name of the first answer is the first name of the second answer 1. A bad wolf and soap maker (4 5/5 6) 17. Say "yes dear" to the supposed author of...
Last 2 please can you help?
The answers are people places and things associated with Christmas
12, Memories of Christmas (4 3)
39. A box of headaches (9)...