They sell us oil at highly inflated prices; they set themselves up as a committee called OPEC to keep the price high; most of them are Muslim countries and have a religion foreign to ours which causes...
Was David Cameron right when he said yesterday "end this human rights insanity", as judges rule paedophiles and rapists should have chance to get off sex offenders' register? Well in the...
What exactly is the 'insult' that after 22 years of service you get notice that your services are no longer required by email ? Is it better that the information comes on a piece of paper on an...
While it's hard not to feel sympathy for those whose worthy causes will face the axe, some councils have deliberately decided to slash the cash for popular services. Their cynical aim? To embarrass...
I thought England was a very tolerant country, but Scotland now seems to be the most tolerant country on earth.They even issue their national flag out, for the photo shoot of his homecoming.... Has the removal of any respect and tools of control from teachers finally made a good hard working teacher finally snap and brain one of the little sh1t bags?
Today's Guardian editorial says about it's time for Labour to 'Cut Gordon Brown loose'. Do you agree? un/02/editorial-gordon-brown-labour
Mr Obama and Prime Minister Gordon Brown will mark the 65th anniversary of the Normandy landings alongside the French President, Nicolas Sarkozy. Buckingham Palace said the Queen will not attend as...
With Labour expecting to do poorly in Thursdays elections, and with the Chancellor embroiled in the expenses scandal, will Brown give darling the chop?
PM done anything at all about the Commons scandal, he's happier posing with Beckham and Rooney while the country is asking for heads to roll. michael Martin's pathetic auti-cued apology has only...
Can someone please explain to me what the Ghurkas are in relation to the 'regular' British army? I ask, because in a thread over the past couple of days, I read that they were no more entitled to stay... 9/Browns-pledge-make-19-year-old-50-hours-volu ntary-work.html The Prime Minister said a pledge to introduce compulsory community service would be...
Ed Balls has said that he would like to be Chancellor or Prime Minister, do you think that his name would hamper him or be a good thing as it'll be on everyones lips? 8/Fury-Muslim-anti-war-protesters-hurl-abuse-B ritish-soldiers-homecoming-parade.html Shouldn't these protesters have been banned, in case it incited...