Well, just for a change it was set on earth in episode 1 and guess where they are next week? Earth- who would have guessed? The writers' imaginations for where they travel just astounds me!
Is anyone else as pleased as me that they are making a new series for next year? I have to say that a large part of my interest centres around Keeley Hawes. Apart from her obvious attributes - eyes /...
According to NASA scientists in Maryland, the polar ice caps, far from shrinking, are actually increasing in size this year. Some facts to prove the Global Warming myth is just another stealth tax...
Ok I'm not all that bothered that one of noo labour's finest has acquired an infestation of pikies but on the more general point why don't we give the local authorities the powers to deal with this...
Yes, I know they call it 'Hotel Babylon', but Emma Pierson is the major reason for watching it. I love the whole show, but seriously, she is just too gorgeous for words! If you wish to post and...
I read today that if the death god visits you when you are 80 tell him you are busy. When you are 90 tell him its not your time and at 100 that you will speak to your family and let him know. Sounds...
has he lost the plot? he has blamed everyone from prince philip to dianas sister for her death even saying she was pregnant when she died although evidence proved beyond doubt she wasnt,
work out just when the health care authorities ever going to learn any lessons. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/northampton shire/7242667.stm Every time a child dies like this some silly individual...
http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30400-1 305023,00.html Now I support the ?25 idea but why allow small cars in for nowt? surely they will negate any benefit that the current system has...
Help am using this for the first time and my document insists on double spacing I didn't think I was this stupid but I cannot find how to make it single space!!t
Should all muslims be removed from the electoral register. This would effectively bar them from politics in this country because you have to be on the list to stand for parliament. The fact that a...
Take the ongoing voting in the USA. It is very clear that people may vote for a candidate because he is Black, or White, Hispanics won't vote for a Black, and blah blah blah on it goes. But on it does...
In an age when most people would have to resort to the SatNav to find their local church, it is not surprising to learn that two thirds of us ignore Pancake Day...
Husbands with multiple wives have been given the go-ahead to claim extra welfare benefits following a year-long Government review, The Sunday Telegraph can reveal. The outcome will chiefly benefit...
Did I read those posts about the BBC and their Gaelic tv channel correctly, do you actually have to have a license to watch television in Britain? If so, why do you let the government or whoever it is...
I have a bought a website template that uses php to set passwords, upload files etc but the scripts don't see to run anymore!? Anybody know of a php tech bod that could take a look?? Thanks Simon
I want to buy an Ipod shuffle for my boyfriend, but he listen to dance music where each track is mixed into another. Does it automatically shuffle the songs, or can you just listen to an album say all...