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I can never get my roast potato's to taste the same as my mother used to make. Without resorting to goose fat (as has been recommended by friends), does anyone know how to get them crispy on the...
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how many peas are in the average bag of birds eye frozen garden peas?
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Gef states that cornflakes contain iron filings in answer to a previous question. Is there any evidence of this ?
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Which animal can't walk backwards?
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What exactly is a 'Race'? Is it illegal, bad etc to be rude to a Jew? Is that a race or a religion - or both? So it's racist to insult a Jamaican if your White English, what if you're white Jamaican?...
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Choc Drop
I was in a car accident a few days ago, and my car is clearly an insurance write-off, but my mechanic can repair it. I'm trying to stop my insurance company from taking my car away for assessment (as...
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As to whether or not God existed in the past is open to debate. But is He here now? There is no indication that He is. No messages booming down from the sky, no miracles, no sign whatsoever. Why not?...
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No what we happen to believe, the truth is the truth regardless of belief. There are so many different religions to choose from, and if any of them are right it can only be one of them. All the others...
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Warning: long post. OK, we'fve been doing light interference in physics at the moment (the double slit experiment etc.) and there'fs a few things I don'ft get. It kind of makes sense with water waves,...
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Why, when you have a cold with a cough, do you cough more at night than during the day?
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How does time age us? What's going on with our body when we age? Why does our skin wrinkle? What is the essence of ageing? Why do we grow weaker the older we get? Why do we die of ageing? Sorry... I...
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I've got approx. 13000 words of essays due in just over a week. Most of these I haven't actually started doing the reading for yet. The carrot and stick method doesn't seem to be working, any helpful...
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why does our skin gets dark when exposed to the sun?
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I know that the aluminium content in anti-perspirants has been linked to cancer, so does anyone know of an anti-perspirant that does not contain aluminium? I know many deodorants are fine, but I'm...
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I've heard that there are chemicals in some kinds of foods and ingredients that have been linked to cancer. Is this true, and if so, can anyone give me more information on the kinds of chemicals and...
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My friend once cooked me a meal, and it was SO simple. He heated some cream, added some peppers, and served it with pasta. But the thing is, I have no idea what cream he used, because I never use...
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Does anyone know where I can find the resistivity of paper?
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Any ideas on how to keep very daring heron away from my garden pond. I really don't want to cover the pond with netting as I have tall plants growing around and in the middle
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I have heard that copper wire is a good deterant (spellcheck) for slugs. Which is great as I don't like using pellets, I haven't got time to crush egg shells and i don't want to waste my beer. So what...
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whats the best way to get rid of hair static??

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