my ex husband is in a nursing home permanently disabled,last night my son got a phone call from the surgeon at the hospital to say that his dad is critical and they needed the power of attorney to...
I have just read in fo on this new benefit that is due un 2014,from what i read it says that all other income eg rent from lodgers child benefit maintenance ect will be taken into account does it also...
Just saw a programme about a dad who was 72 and his son is around 10 months.
His eldest child is 50
He appears a fit healthy active guy.
What are your views on older parents ?...
My husband and myself have just taken over a small agency we need to advertise the agency locally to where we live.the business is aimed at child care ,does anyone have any ideas about how to go about...
With not a child in sight a lollipop lady walks out stops me and allows two adults to cross the road.
I suppose I should not care but it just seems a bit annoying....
we get child tax credit of about £200 a month. As I only work part time, it's been a lifesaver and we really couldn't manage without it at the moment. We were lucky enough, at work, to be given...
Our children (7 and 5 yr old) usually go to bed between 730 and 800, We have the same bedtime routine every evening. Bath at about 6-630 then we have quiet time where we either read a book or watch...
do any of you know of any vitamins that i could give a 5yrold i have tried loads of different knid and she says she doesnt like them .anyone have a child that actually like a certain kind.thanks
Hi my little boy age 2 had core muscle disease,it is a mild form of muscular dystrophy.does anyone else have it or know of anyone with it?I have searched for info but would like to talk to someone who...
hi i live next door to a school and the parents reverse on to my drive to turn around and head out the way they came in. there is room to turn in front of the school gates or carry on down the road. i...
Do you find that you have to wait a long time in your doctors for an appointment? Even if you make the effort to be there on time or even a little early do you still have to wait?
We were in Chiquitos last week with our 5yr old daughter and 5 week old son and when ordering the drinks we asked for a coke for our daughter. The waitress noticed the baby, looked at him then said...
we would like a chalet /caravan holiday but dont know where to go we are a family of 4 and have a budget of £500 we would like dorset devon or somerset or isle of wight.any ideas?thankyou.
My 2 yrold has been invited to have the swine flu jab,He has had swine flu twice last year he was over it quite quickly both times ,the rest of my family got it and really badly,can anyone tell me...