My friend's view is that there should be no organised religion as it is used as a tool for violence.He said that you can't blame people (eg suicide bombers) for their actions (killing innocent...
does anyone ever feel like their job is the most boring in the world but they don't know what to do about it? i get paid well but hate it and am not sure what to do i have been here 6 years and there...
Yesterday I posted a question "to text or not to text"! well I did text him but got no reply so looks like thats a dead duck!! Anyway, what I was wondering is, why don't lads just send a text saying...
Had a date last week with a guy, last Thursday to be precise!All went well (or so I thought!). Ended the date by having a good, passionate kiss and went our separate ways.Problem is I havnet heard...
do you have split second werid thoughts occassionally? i do for example if im standing on the top of a hill i will think shall i throw myself off just to see what happens? (yes i know what will...
Hi, I'm getting concerned about myself!When I was in school I was always top of my class, I have 2 scholarships & always got prizes for getting the best results.It wasn't that the competition...
Is there really no such thing as a purely altruistic act? One of my colleagues said that it has been proven. Surely it's a subjective matter and depends onth person who is carrying out the act?
I've been seeing a guy for the past year.We used to get on so well together, especially during the summer when we saw each other 2 or 3 times a week.Then I moved away for work reasons at the beginning...
Been best friends with a bloke for last 2years.started to realise i fancy him a year ago.all our friends think we fancy eachother and have been waiting for us to get together!i moved away from that...
My bestfriend is seeing a bloke that is a lot older than her.I never really liked him as he treated her badly on numerous occasions.However,I got along with him and never&made an issue...
Anybody else experienced and how did they deal with it. I looked through my b/f's emails and found he had had sex with another woman last do i let it go cause what i done was wrong, as i...
Hi ABers, I've been reading the recently posed questions on the "M" word and it has struck me that no reference has ever been made to the word "religion" when discussing the topic of...
does anyone know of a good website that would help me learn about motorbikes?i'm thinking of buying one instead of a car but dont want to appear to be the "dumb-blonde" when i talk to a dealer!Thanks.
I often get cramp in my leg at night. However, just lately it has gone from being painful and annoying to being so bad I wake up screaming. I rub the muscles and gently stretch it out, but the...
got my free Veet sample..just used 2 of the 4,anyone want the other 2?..certainly wont be using that on my bikini line..don't care what anyone says waxing hurt no matter how they package it!
I was just wondering if anyone had any useful suggestions as to what to get a guy who'll be 23 soon.his interests include music ( big fan of elton john & michael jackson),art, NOT sport! we have...