Is it possible for there to be more than one 'character/symbol' for a space? In an index of surnames with a space:- O Brien O Fee O Sullivan this is correctly followed by another... ...
*Entirely in mime* (apart from a few closing remarks by the monastery leader), three brothers become involved in gambling. Extremely humourous with brilliant facial expressions.
I think the main character was an estate agent or auctioneer. It was televised 30+ years ago. I recall that WW1 and the loss of so many was pictured as a horse race with men falling at the fences.... ...
Avast keep telling me that I need to upgrade as more than 20 of my 68 are out of date. Is this important or simply a desire to sell me yet more services?
Best to start again. eg. I want to delete a sentence from a Word doc but I cannot always highlight the text. Holding down L click on the mouse and swiping was never a problem in the past. Sometimes... ...
More often than not I'm having difficulty highlighting text in Word for deleting/copying. Sometimes it fails to work at all, at others it will capture some, or just the top line. It matters not... ...
I went to Lord's more than a few times between say 1947-51 and would like to get answers to a some questions and pass on memories. Any suggestions, welcome?
Out of the corner of my eye, occsaionally I seem to see my flourescent table lamp flash momentarily. It is switched off but plugged into the live mains. As I never see this flashing from any of... ...
Daily I eat only one slice of toast for breakfat but my toaster is a twin slice model. Single slice toasters are rare and expensive. Can someone with mathematical skill work out if there is any... ...
Mine is single stem about 2/3m high. Recently it grew a new leaf in about 10 days and is now sprouting another. Can I get it to branch out? Most of the leaves are at 45 degrees or less. Will they... ...
I have been given a couple of these with no holes in the bottom, but they each have two conical devices standing about 4cm high with holes at the top. The bottom fills with water up 4cm. Can... ...
Not sure why this is being raised but Google want to use my old redundant email. I try to change it to my current one but G won't allow it. I have no other. Can someone please explain how to sort... ...
I'm not leaving it for them to squander so want to ensure that most gets put into their pension schemes. Is it lawful to make it a condition that a bequest is to be paid by cheque to their pension... ...