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is anybody else sick of the long work hours culture which is endemic to british offices, seems to me that most people are worried sick about losing their job and compensate by working...
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*** it jusst my immajinayshun, orr doo thay know longher teech spellign in scoohls thees days? i esstimaite at leest three qaurters of the qeustoins and awnsers on thiss sight have basick splleing...
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Where can I get maps for a planning application? can I use copies of the land registry map? If not where can I get the site and location plan maps (scale 1:1250 and 1:500) Hope someone can help
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Am I missing something here? Why does my Tesco fresh thick strawberry flavoured milkshake have a bit on the label that says "Allergy advice:Contains milk"? Is that not blindingly obvious?
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Whats the best/quickest treatment for thrush?
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My uncle has just found out that he has bowl cancer and secondary cancer of the spine. We all know there's no way out of this. I'm feeling fairly pragmatic about it at the moment, but was just...
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Does anybody know any good biography qorth reading ?
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Am doing one on Sunday for the first time. Am a total novie. Would appreciate any advice. Generally do they provide tables? As I have a helluva lot of stuff! I am an Avon team leader and hoping to...
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Every so often i get a pinging noise on my computer, which seems independant of anything im doing, its quite loud pitched and happens intermittently, but not everytime i use the computer. can anyone...
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I have just had abdominal surgery, the anitbiotic I had to take before surgery made be very sick I threw up and my throat and mouth burn as if i had a sore throat and I received bag after bag of IV...
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Anyone else tried them?.Quite suprised at results, the test suggests i prefer overweight people to thin people and am not agiest . anyone else tried them ? and where you suprised at the result,...
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Hammer Head
This was taken from the BBC Food website. It is written by Greg Wallace, one of the judges on the new Masterchef. "I'm always fascinated by the way shoppers choose their top fruit. Given the choice,...
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Instead of searching for something on ebay everyday until I find it for sale, is there anything that can be done so that when an item you are looking for comes on sale or auction, you get an email...
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What does this mean on Ebay? Its on one of the items I am selling and its says "# of watchers" and underneath it says "1" Anyone??
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Whats your favourite perfume and why?
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they say you can tell peoples personality from the cars they drive,what do you drive
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Do agency workers have any rights or benefits, or are they just used as cheap labour ?
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I am applying for a job after being out of the working world for a while. I am trying to complete some appliaction forms for shop assistant jobs and they can be quite complicated. Does anyone know of...
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I am soon looking for a new job (due to redundancy) & have been with my current employer for 9yrs. I speak to a lot of people around the country and they are amazed that I've been with the same...
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I've just heard that my job will be redundant in a couple of weeks. I've never experienced redundancy before - do prospective employers view any applications negatively if you are not currently...

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