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1) If council (public) trees overhang my property can I cut them back? I assume I can't cut them down! 2) I have a conservatory and I would like to remove the 'pillers' from each corner, and then have...
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My first serious effort at growing outdoor aubergines this year. Should I limit the number of flowers on the plant or fertilise them generously and let them all grow freely?
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im thinking about buying some new going out white shorts but dont know what top i should put with them i like showing my belly so dont want longer length tops, any ideas?
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any1 know where i can get lepod print shoes from about 4 inch high, iv seen some in new look but their too low! thankyou
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I would be grateful if anyone can help with these , all flowers or shrubs swiss window boxes (8) 2.can't sting anymore (10) 3.ape's smell (6,4) 4.contains crucifiction symbols (5,8) 5.names after...
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First attempt at courgettes, and I am wondering if I have to remove the male flowers as we used to do with cucumbers. Any advice will be appreciated. Many thanks.
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I want a hedging plant for a very dark corner of my garden. There are two large trees forward of the hedge line which make the area behind very gloomy. We don't use this bit of garden for anything and...
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Have to do a finger buffet for my daughters evening wedding reception, anyone have any ideas that are a bit different from the usual stuff? Savoury only, Thanks H.
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Any ideas as to why I have black spots on my tomatoes (on the actual fruit), also on my peppers, which seems to start on the stem bit where it grows into the fruit?
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Hi when do I lift my potatoes
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Can anyone tell me what would be the best thing to fill the gap between a metal window frame (yes the dreaded Crittal) and a wooden window sill?
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Hi I was just wondering if anyone could answer my dad's problem, he's been growing runner beans for years, but now the beans themselves are falling off too early and they haven't grown fully yet, does...
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the front of my house gets sun in the morning till about midday then none in the afternoon, what is the best suited planting for this type of bed?
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We have a climbing hydrangea which is growing but has no buds on it. The plant is about three year old but has never been in flower. Has anyone ideas on why it has not had any flowers.
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Mine has gone absolutely crazy this year and has nearly doubled in size. If I don't stop it soon, it will take over my whole garden. So when and how do I cut it back?
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I want to plant clematis in a patio trellis--I can put the planter in my unheated garage or a shed during the winter. Do I need to provide water during the dormant period--
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Tomorrow I plan to cut down a conifer tree which is about 8 to 9 foot high. I have noticed that the slabs near the tree are moving so I think the roots are making the slabs wobbly. Also the tree is...
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We've got this on our terrace. I just re-potted it yesterday as it was out-growing its plastic tub. What is it? We're in Barcelona - does it prefer direct sunlight or shade ?...
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does anyone know how to get seeds from friut and veg so they can be grown ?
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Granny C
Can you help me please! Requirements for the Postmans knock Watched by night. Needed by an equestrian bird A big bird's damnation

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