I had SKY + installed ,ever since all the channels on my amplifier are picking up the broadcast from SKY ,wether I listen to the radio,DVD ,Video (seperate units) with the Television picture on. Also...
Stephen is doing a series of programmes for BBC Radio 4 which I have missed the iPlayer has expired any ideas where I can download copies of this brilliant show . Thank you all
I heard him on the radio last week talking about "The Streets of London" am I the only who play's this song both on guitar and on Disc and never knew it was about Paris. Do I feel Dumb
I missed Stephen Fry programme about speaking English,on BBC Radio 4 ,the iPlayer for last 2 tuesday's has expires is there anywhere I can download these programmes . Desperate Thank you
I wish to record a copy to disc of a Radio 4 Programe by Stephen Fry ,"So wrong it must be right" from i Player BBC Radio 4 I have downloaded it, so now could you please explain how I can put it onto...
Has Lexi left the programme for good.,not that I watch it you understand. Now lets help Andy Sugden ,what should we buy him a caravan.What next a box of matches
Has Lexi left the programme for good.,not that I watch it you understand. Now lets help Andy Sugden ,what should we buy him a caravan.What next a box of matches
WE have encountered a problem I bought some HP Colour and Black Ink cartridges some while ago ,since that time as I have been very poorley, they have not been used ,I am told that once they have...
WE have a Sky + box installed which works very well except it is Running All Of the time ,although the RED light is on it seems that the disc [Hard drive)(if that is what it is ) is constantly...
My suround sound is working really well apart from a Constant Humming Sound from the Bass Speaker it was bought as a seperate and is wired into the main amplifier with th correct lead . Any ideas...
In the TV show "Ugly Betty" The father has a pet name for the 2 girls, he say's something like "Miha"or "Me-Ha" any ideas what this means please. Thank you
Hi I need to open a file, I see when I try to open it windows Excel is needed I do not have this ,what can I do I cannot afford to buy a complete version of wINDOWS
In 1969 I auditioned for a band from London called "The Sad People" ,we recorded a single called "Lonley Boy" ,,do you have any information anywhere regarding this band,I lived in the Westcountry...
Hi I am confused, when I click on the monitor icon it shows the speed being 100.0mps,I have run a test and it shows 1799kbps in and 33.96kbps ,In simple terms can you explain what this means, our...
Hi we have a Rough Collie she has a problem as she seems to feel the need to scratch ,she will sometimes jump up and scratch as if something has really irratated her, other times she will maybe nibble...
"Son's Of Anarchy" At the end of last nights episode of this brilliant series there was a song sung by a female lone voice ,the track is called "Forever Young" I have managed to find 2 versions but...