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Just finished my penultimate essay EVER. Began to print it, and all of a sudden my printer told me its parts had expired, and it needed servicing. My deadline is tomorrow, my stupid laptop only has...
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on there is a prison break game on level three you have to find somthing does anyone no where it is
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"I'd like to buy a horth" he says to the owner of the farm. "What sort of horse?" said the owner. "A female horth" the dwarf replies. So the owner shows him a mare. "Nithe horth." says the dwarf, "Can...
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doctor spock
chap on night out gets some coloured and flavoured condoms from vending machine. Says to wife, do you fancy a bit of fun. I'll put one on, you guess the flavour. He goes upstairs, she follows. She...
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A first-grade teacher, Ms. Neelam was having trouble with one of her students the teacher asked,"Boy, what is your problem?" Boy answered, "I'm too smart for the first-grade. My sister is in the...
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can anyone tell me who sings this song or what its called. it is always played when im in my local night club. the lyrics say ' now im falling asleep and she's calling a cab' its a long shot i know...
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Saskia K
I love the Kook, but am finding it hard to sing along - in the song Naive he sings somthing that sounds like:- "I know she knows that im not from the roskin"?? help me out here please what is he...
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How much does the Queen earn a year?
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33 dogs and 35 dogs both meet 2 dogs each how many dogs?
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I received this today - only good for today (Friday 12th) apparantly.... Here ye, here ye! Our version of The Only Ones' "Another Girl, Another Planet" is available to the good people of this blue...
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how can i transfer my music on my ipod to another ipod or burn the playlist to a disc, i've read in the help topic that if i put a disc in a burn button will be on the screen, i can't find it, please...
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What is that song at the end of Madeline and who sings it? Plz Help.. Thank You
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Who sings the Red Dwarf theme tune?
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who sang like a virgin? i know madonna was in the video but dont know who sang it
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What is the link between Thierry Henry , Michael Jackson and Geraint Jones ?
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Controversial one this, but as the entire England team received MBEs for their 'heroics' last summer, should the entire Australian team (who have gone one better in the Ashes, now all receive OBEs?...
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Does anyone wish him well?
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Does anyone know when Liverpool last conceeded 6 goals at Anfield

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