I want to watch season 1 of 'weeds' on skyone and i'm sure they will repeat it (season 2 is currently showing) because they always do. What I want to know is if there is a way I can find out when/if...
Hi guys, i'm looking for a good film of a particular variety. Basically I would like a film where a large part of the human raced has been wiped out (in any way) and the rest have reverted back to a...
I'm looking for a website that has information about different kind of paper that you can buy today (so not the history of paper). I've been searching the web for ages but I can't find anything except...
Hi guys, i'm looking for a fiction book about king Arthur, not about induvidual battles/adventures but just a genaral book about him. I've tried looking on the net but theres so many it would take...
I'm looking for some information about the value of GBP in other countries. I am NOT looking for a currency converter. What I mean is for example, 1 GBP is roughly 2 USD but something that costs 1...
http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l237/Kappka/ AB.jpg Hi guys, I have had this on my computer for about 2 years now, I think it was my brother that got it there so I don't whether its a download/virus...
Hello, I saw an advert recently for a new toothpaste that fixes sensitive teeth by restoring calcium, I havn't seen it since and can't remember what its called. Does anyone know, it was less than 2...
Is there anything that stops me selling extensions of my website (such as 'extension.chunkus.co.uk') or selling mail addresses (such as 'kingrompus@chunkus.co.uk')?
Today the power in my house turned off and I had to flip the fuse switch, this turned off my computer. Now the power light on the tower is lit green and the monitor light is amber as if the compuer...
I don't know if this belongs here but it didn't fit into any other category. The farmer that lives up the track from me has 3 or 4 huge shed like things, he hasn't got livestock in there but he's...
I've always wanted to be able to draw but always assumed that either your good at it or your not. So I wondered if you guys think its possible to learn to be a good drawer?
I just signed up with tiscali and they send me a modem wich has only got a usb connection to connect it to the computer. This is a problem because I use a wireless router, is there any way I can get...
Hello, I am thinking about buying The Sims 2 on PC. I only have a CD drive but I can borrow a external DVD drive to install it but wondered if I can play it without the disk in the drive. I know a lot...