When you buy a domain name do you pay a one off fee or do you pay yearly? Also if you buy a domain name is it garunteed to be yours for as long as you want it?
This question was used in a real jod interview. You are driving down a street in a two seat car and come to a bus stop, at the bus stop stands an old friend that you havn't seen for ages that saved...
I've noticed that a lot of people (not just on AB) put lolol id there posts. Well that doesn't make sense because lol mean laugh out loud, so you'd be saying laugh out loud out loud???
Hey guys, I just randomly started a "Big Test" to find out if everyone knows everyone (read on, it does make sense really). What I've done is sent and email to all my friends telling them to send it...
I am trying to get into shape this summer but I'm finding very hard as I have lack of motivation and virtually no will power (apparently the fact I'll be buff as a buff thing that just won a buffness...
I didn't really know where to put this so I stuck it here.Im looking for a leather jacket which has the look of a motorcycle jacket but is thin. I used to have one like it but I lost it and can't...
I didn't really know where to put this so I stuck it here. Im looking for a leather jacket which has the look of a motorcycle jacket but is thin. I used to have one like it but I lost it and can't...
I bought a 23 in 1 card reader with usb ports on eBay about 3-4 weeks ago. I finally recieved it and it wont work so I emailed the guy I bought it off and he put me through to technical support. So I...
What type of knife is the one that he carries with him(not the one he threatens his wife with)? The one that pushes the knife up through the top so the sides are horizontal and then he sides fold...
Does anybody know what those things are called, you strap them on to your feet/ankles and the look a bit like dinosaur feet, they make you spring as you walk therefore making you walk faster with less...
Does anybody know where i can buy some throwing knives like the ones of about 20 years ago. I have searched the internet but they are all these new fancy wiggly handleless ones. So if anyone can help,...