How long is acceptable for seperate meats, ie for fish, red meat and white meat? I just found some salmon at the back and it looks so dried out, even though completely frozen... I reckon since...
Where or who do I write to to cancel junk mail coming to my address? Last night I returned from work to find my posbox crammed with NINE thick Toy's 'R' Us brochures amongst several Kwik Save, Argos...
Please see my question: uestion404745.html If I choose to pull out of the course for whatever reason, will i be tied to having to finish paying the rest...
I'm in a dilemma as to whether or not I should return to uni for a second degree in Creative Advertising as opposed to my boring, non-challenging job in a tiny office. This is a huge life turner and...
Cod was rather boring the other night so I was going to try either red snapper or sea bream, but I can't remember which fish I thought was delicious... obviously stuffed with ginger, spring onions,...
One of the managers came into the finance office where I work and sked who wanted his petrol receipts. I told him that they just went into one of the files and pointed to them to which he laughed and...
Whic is the best site for completely free music and film downloads? I've heard Limewire but there appears to be a few different limewire sites.... I not sure which one to install. About 5 years ago, I...
YEEEE-HAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! After 4 aggrivating months, I've finally found out.... by a mate of mine in Mexico, to whom I sent the message months ago!!!!! Please see the below question....... and read...
What is the name of the new cream at Boots that has been tested against all anti-aging creams (even the expensive ?200 creams) and has been proven as the only real working anti-aging cream? Apparently...
I found a little hard lump the size of a pea just behind mt left ear, on the bone behind my lobe. It's not sore, red and doesn't even itch. In fact, i just caught it by mistake last night when I...
I wanted to get myself a DVD but wasn't sure which one would be the best... also, how much is it to actually buy at a store, NOT on the net? I see that they're only ?7.99 on the website, but I don't...
Sorry guys, still with the camping... but I've decided to do a meat BBQ for the first night and take loads of vegetables for lunch and the second night. But apart from meat and veg kebabs, can't...
Maybe I could take some foil and a few raw vegetables in a sealed box? I reckon they would keep for a couple of days. What about sauces? If I made my own, would they go off in the warm weather over a...
I'm going camping in some really thick, dense woods with about 20 mates this weekend and was wondering what food I could take. I don't eat bread or tinned food, although I may have to resort to tinned...
Not sure where to hang this... but how do I go about finding someone i was in touch with 17 years ago.... crikey, that sounds a lot...all i know is his name and that he came from (and most definately...
Was thinking about re-claiming charges, but found it difficult to remember whether or not they charged more than ?15 per charge in the last 6 years? I seem to remember that the last couple of times...