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Does anyone have any theorys about who this individual is. He / she is quite funny but surely cant be on here just to coreect everyoes spellin ... so who is therree alter ego?
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On this site we all too often put ourselves down. All these questions like should I get a boob job, how can I lose half a stone in a week, what will make my thighs thinner etc etc. So what things do...
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a minority of men don't find it erotic to imagine two women kissing or having sex. How about vice versa? how many women find it erotic to think of two men kissing? Or would enjoy looking at male porn?
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What is a "club foot"?
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Iam new to this site and Im wondering if there is a chat room?.. There are some really great people on this site and I would love to get some good conversation going with them...thank you JEN
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Hello people, I love to have drinks on the weekend .. BUT.. I just cant stand the same old cider, wine or beer.. I like to try mixes and neat drinks that are refreshing... I was wondering if anybody...
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Can anyone please help. I am getting really down and depressed. I have or used to have a best friend that I loved so much, I would have done anything for her but now I just feel like she hates me. She...
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Goood morning everyone, what a gorgeous day it is! i was wondering if putting a soap bar under the bedsheets is actually good for leg cramps. from your own experience what else could i do? thank you...
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Maybe wrong section, but most viewed me thinks. But why do some people post questions on here just to get arguements going? We all like a laugh, but sometiimes the threads get a bit personal
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Has anyone had any injection treatment like liposuction, for puffy under eyes? It is a course of four injections under the eyes and permanently erases puffines. Thanks
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Hi.. I cant believe how some people can act.. I have some "friends" that are so mean, and say the most katty things.. and lie about so much.. I know these are not great people to be around.. but even...
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I get very dry skin on my face the take about a week to clear up when i get them - big red blotches can anyone recomend any thing for this? Thanks E
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Anyone seen the 2 page ad recently offering a slimming product which promises that you WILL lose 55 pounds in 30 days? Anyone tried it? It sounds too good to be true, which means that it probably is!
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i no this is a silly question but i sweat alot and i shower every day and use deodrnt but i still sweat really bad any tips?
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is there a way that i can get a six pak quite quick or should i just do seat ups if so who many and when plz help me thanx
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What old fashions would you really like to see come back? I am waiting for earmuffs to be back in fashion to keep my ears warm in the winter :-)
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This has probably been asked a million times before but i am really feeling it today so any quick tip hangover cures? Thanks!
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Can anyone suggest anything for achy legs? Just recently i have started to get aches in the backs of my knees and calfs during the day. Initially i thought i was getting varicose veins but cant see...
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If you were to slash your wrist on purpose or by accident, if you immediately covered it with your mouth and drank the blood would you still bleed to death?
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I am 7 weeks pregnant and have had to give up on the folic acid tablets as they were making me really sick, does anyone know what foods I can top up on that are high in folic acid as I really want to...

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