every time i log onto my computor windows has reset my start menu configuration, i prefer to have it at the top and with only the windows media toolbar turned on, but if i logoff or shutdown my pc the...
Is this the most under rated programme on tv?. It has highly likable character's and is every bit as funny as Friends in it's pomp, yet never get's the recognition, I mean, I'm the only person i know...
On a network of 8 computers, most using Windows 2000, but one using Windows XP, all but two can use Hotmail. The 2 that don't are using Windows 2000. They can get to the sign-in screen, but...
how do i get rid of the irritating message reminder from appearing from a cold boot which says "warning have you done your antivirus check- yes/no even when ive changed and uinstalled different av...
I have a very large media collection of wmas, mp3's as well as avi's and wmv files does anyone knoe of a good media library program where i can preview the files and add comments/ catagorise them,...
my friends computer has three people sharing it they all have there own passwords but some people on it keep changing other peoples passwords through there own with control panel is there any way that...
Can anyone tell me how I can transfer stuff from my old computer to my new one - including settings, files, programs etc, or will I have to do it individually. I don't mind simply reinstalling some...
Hi all, im thinking about downloading msn messenger. I dont know much about it, is it safe? weres best to download it from? please give me some advice as im not experienced with it
I have discovered to my surprise that a full system scan with the above is not as full as you might expect. We use Windows XP and have four XP user accounts. If I log on as myself the full scan does...
What is the most system-hungry game out at the moment? Doom3, Farcry? Iv got a new ?300 graphics card, doom3 is perfect, but i want to try a game that will stretch it to its limits!
Does anyone know who sings the Toyota ad currently on TV where the 2 surf girls start dancing, and the wife gets angry? It's got that wicked guitar bass...
Recently saw this movie, and although i agree that it is a nice little film, couldn't help but think it has been overly hyped, a thing i also thought about closer. Anyone agree, or is it just...
When i right click on the time in the system tray there is a greyed out option called Customize Notification... does any one know what it does and how i can ungrey it. thanks in advance