Where did Noah keep his bees? In his ark-hives! What did the apiarist say to his misbehaving bees? Beehive yourselves! Why do bees hum? Bee-cause they don't know the words! And finally an epitaph on a...
Any suggestions for making them taste nicer ie add a spice or something. Its going with Gammon, cauliflower cheese and the normal trimmings. Sorry for hijacking B&S Need a quick suggestion tia
I think I am about to ask the world's stupidist question here. Does anyone know where you can buy homes for less than ?100k? I recall looking about 5 years ago in Salford and Wales where you could get...
Stands at the bar, and announces "anyone want to hear a blonde joke". A blonde woman next to him says "sir, before you tell this joke I think I should warn you that I am a blonde lady with a Black...
Hi my friend is just about to receive a compensation award and is in a quandry about where to put it. After paying off debts etc she will be left with around ?190000. The problem is she doesn't work...
in day to day life we go thru it meeting people bonding starting relationships and perhaps marrying. but the mating game is like a journey thru a maze with many twists and turns. and lots happens...
Right, so Im kinda getting close to this bloke - there has been lots of flirting, texting each other and a couple of drinks together. Its becoming quite clear that there is a spark between the 2 of us...
my friend is 7 months pregnant and her hubby has gone off the rails....says that he does not like pregnant women. the last time she was pregnant he slept with another woman. personaaly i think its a...
I'm 21 now and I'm a bit fed up with being the only person out of all my friends who is still single and not seing anyone. I meet a lot of guys I really like and get on with but it often ends up with...
if your boyfriend got a txt from a girl he knows you dont like ad it said 'luv (name) x' would't you be ****** off?.. especially when he says he may txt her from time to time.... i got really p****d...
A blind man goes into a shop, picks up his guide dog and starts spinning it around his head with the lead. The distraught shop owner runs up to him and says "can I help you" and the chap says "no...