Is it legal to put a clear window in the main door into a toilet area with 6 actual toilets and urinals within it ? My son's college is going to install windows in all main toilet block doors and it...
Teachers are advised they should be 'friends' with their pupils on FaceBook Do they really need to be...
Has anyone else noticed how a lot of young people these days don't know how to hold a knife and fork correctly? Especially the fork, they have some strange ways of holding it.
Her husband was on today, and quite emotional about how many people have sent messages, and her book selling over 200,000. Why does Gloria Hunniford always have to bring her daughter up who died of...
Building on Tilly's great thread last night, what was your very first memory and what age were you? My first one was in Scotland,...
Just listened to the Deputy Maire of Calais (Channel 4 news) agreeing with Britain's stance that, essentially, 'enough is enough'. Are we seeing the beginnings of a new 'Entente Cordiale'? There is a big full page report on this chap in today's Guardian. Some of the methods he expounds to pick up women are bizarre. The Guardian and the Daily Mail...
Sayings 3. You cannot serve both 3, 3, 6 Twins 35. Which fictional twins "went forth to do a battle" 36. In which female singing group did twins and their sister share the same birthday Thanks....
Sounds disappointing - I liked it just as it was ............. but will let you know later!
Do you watch Songs of Praise?...