Was lifting begonia tubers to put away and accidently broke a large one in half. It measured about eight inches across . Could I still store both halves away over winter? Middle looks a fleshy pink...
1) i know they are raising money, but seriously, who is interested in super rich people just getting what they want by buying it? ok for a day perhaps, but c'mon! 2) anyone know who the person is who...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2829080/PIERS-MORGAN-black-Americans-want-N-word-die-kill-themselves.html /// many gays call each other ‘f****ts’, why supporters of an English football...
What is this world coming to? I was appalled of the disrespect and wickedness of this crime I hope these people get caught and put in prison for a long time...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2829329/Let-primary-teachers-wear-veil-classroom-says-former-Archbishop-Canterbury.html Would you be quite happy to let your children or grandchildren being...
// MPs reacted with fury at being denied the chance to directly cast a vote on the European Arrest Warrant, suggesting David Cameron's apparent promise to put the issue to MPs this month had been...
Hi! I need some help with Yorkshire. I'm on my way over there for a couple of days. I was there for Le Tour - so I didn't see much of Yorkshire as Yorkshire. We're in Whitby and here's what I need...
Two questions... 1. Despite having less than the required number of MPs in Parliament to qualify (which is six), should the organisers change the rules so that UKIP can lay a wreath at the Cenotaph...
Enjoyable game between England and the All Blacks today spoilt by England 'fans' drowning out the 'Hakka' (spelling no doubt wrong) by singing 'Swing low sweet chariot'. And rugby union fans would...
My 5th grandchild arrived today, a girl, Freya Eilidh, 7lb 14oz, mother and baby both fighting fit!! Any ideas what I can buy for my Daughter in Law, I'm going to Scotland next weekend to see them but...
It has been hinted (on the facebook page - make of it what you will) that some of the actors playing certain roles are to be changed.
Has anyone else heard about this?...