I turned 18 last month and my parents are still treating me like i'm 13 (taking away my electronics etc) I respect them and refused to say anything to them that might be disrespectful. I have 2 years...
Hi. My sister & hubby live in Spain and I was thinking of sending them a hamper for Christmas. I was just going to make it up myself, with things like wine, beer, biscuits & such - nothing perishable....
I've just done a few of these on Futurelearn, and very good I found them, so i thought I'd pass on the link. There are all sorts of courses but because I've been doing history ones I've posted this in...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-essex-30066641 What on earth is going on here ? This Hospital has barely been out of the news all year, all for the wrong reasons. Now operations have been...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2829730/Calls-arrest-Katie-Hopkins-inciting-racial-hatred-series-anti-Muslim-anti-Palestinian-Tweets-sent-account.html They are only her opinions, is this...
I was really upset to read in the Daily Express that 25,000 older people die a year because of issues related to the cold. Who is to blame is it energy companies, government or the failure of society...
There is a mystery small pool of water at the entrance to my downstairs bathroom.It seems to happen overnight and there seems to be no source and nothing else in bathroom shows sign of leakage or...
Not YouGov mikey, but by another with as much gravitas: http://rt.com/uk/205159-ed-miliband-poll-lowest/ What now for your boy? He's even talking about taking on UKIP head-on. He really doesn't wanna...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2832793/Tearful-frightened-young-girls-lined-villagers-undergo-tribal-circumcision-ceremony-Kenya.html On Answerbank we periodically see the Daily Mail...
This looked pretty frightening, especially when they try to place a hood over one of them and looked more like an attempted abduction than an attack:...
Was lifting begonia tubers to put away and accidently broke a large one in half. It measured about eight inches across . Could I still store both halves away over winter? Middle looks a fleshy pink...
1) i know they are raising money, but seriously, who is interested in super rich people just getting what they want by buying it? ok for a day perhaps, but c'mon! 2) anyone know who the person is who...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2829080/PIERS-MORGAN-black-Americans-want-N-word-die-kill-themselves.html /// many gays call each other ‘f****ts’, why supporters of an English football...