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Assuming most of you have your PC on a desk or 5 things on it right now, the dafter the better.
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I've just found a rather comatose bumble bee in the garden which has probably been caught out by the cold spell. I've put it in a sheltered spot close to a blob of honey in case it needs sustenance,...
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Hi, I have been with my partners for 6 years now,and he has two girls from a previous relationship.I dont see them very often as it is believed that his ex will make things awkward if they are with me...
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hi i have an opportunity to open a shop,it was a charity shop and the lady who ran the charity has died.The owner of the shop said i can rent the shop as soon as it closes,at the moment my friend is a...
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my ex partner refuses to let me see my daughter,even though the courts issued an order for contact.He failed to turn up at the last court case and my daughter tells me by phone she wants to see me but...
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hi,I have a raspberry coloured carpet and sandy coloured walls,im struggling to know what accessories would go,its my living room and thru dining
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does anyone know roughly how much it will be to get my chimney uncapped and a new pot for open fire put on ?
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who else will be happy when christmas is over and done with ?????roll on jan 1
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What is a love child?
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hi,I like the look of roof tiles and wondered if anyone knew if I could tile a back hearth to use a fire basket on,would this be practical and safe?
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Hi, I like tje look of reclaimed roof tiles and wondered if I can use them for a hearth to put a working fire basket on,is it safe and ok to do that?
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hI,I have recently opened up an old fireplace,back to the original sides and back,below the original arch though.The opening was covered in old flakey soot,I want to do this project myself but...

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