Stuck on last few, any help gratefully appreciated 11 Flat fish swims to timber 14 Paid in advance to go in yellow sea 16 Stubborn 25 Blackpool prom's german nag .... will allow 33 Not my form of...
Stuck on the last 5 viz 1 across Provoke offensive about Corbyn T???T (thought tempt or taunt but dont get the parsing) " down ...while entering Moscow's her aim primarily ??S?A (could have A or U to...
Just started watching This Week. Super intro by Rory B doing POTUS. Lovely! And Diane's back to give Michael those artfully coy little lustful looks of hers. My cup runneth over. But you knew that...
Stuck! 2d Use of doubtful words. (12) E???D?C?T?O?. 9a Roll up (4) ???L. 28a Genial through age (6) 20d Land attached to a church. (5) G?E??. Thanks in advance for any help.
4 Down - They keep on the move and make a racket in the street (6) ??a?p? 10 Across - It's foolish to remove the contents (5) ??p?? 7 Down - Bean that comes in a day, ostensibly (4) S??? 8 The proper...
just a few left .... 4d sign under phone to get really empty literature on the move (6,7) ?a?i?? library 12a cut the funny business - had the shakes to risk your life (4,4,5) ?i?e ?i?h ???t? Many...
19 ac In South Africa, a strong home-brewed drink made from yeast (8) -k-k-a-n 31ac An excessive hunger or appetite caused by disease (7) l-m-s-s Last two clues, any help would be greatly appreciated....
19a. Still pursuing winning result(6) U - S - O - T
I'm thinking it must be - UPSHOT - but cannot parse it....would be grateful to be shown how.
Thanks,in advance.... One then has to ask, as a British citizen, why have you along with your family decided to live in...