Does anyone know of any companies who do annual multi-trip travel insurance for people who have had a medical condition such as a heart attack? I know of just...
why are the pickles I make too salty I go by the book soak them in brine (2oz salt to a pint of water) for 24 hours.wash them well, pack them in jars and use white or malt vinegar. but are...
Does anyone know the name of the lady in the latest burger king ad that sings while sitting on a cannon.....i think it look remarkably like bonnie tyler...hubby disagrees.
my sisters Hydrangea bush has lots of growth but no flowers this year, it has always had lots of flowers in past years, it was pruned by a different person this year any thing to do with...
When is it safe to put out my Tomato seedlings into a un heated greenhouse?they are on the window sills at the moment but I need the space they are also getting a bit leggy, 2" high I live in...
Can somebody please tell me how to clean paintbrushes efficiently. Using water based paint is no problem as you can run them under the tap but solvent based paints seem to use litres and litres...
Can anyone tell me why my brake lights shine at diferent brightness. The Passenger side is really bright but the drivers side is quite dim. I have tried swapping the bulbs and buying new ones - still...
Does anyone know if Ewan McGregor had a tiny cameo role in The Beach. I watched it last night and could've sworn it was him. It's the scene where everyone is asking Leonardo DiCaprio for supplies...