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We are all aware of the European press claiming the right of 'free speech' during the recent fracas over the publication of cartoons depicting the prophet, Mohammed, yet the historian David Irving may...
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Prior to the cartoons being published, I had never really given much thought to Muslims: Yes, of course I knew about them in much the same way as I know about Judaism, Catholicism etc... Religion does...
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So we will have ANOTHER Muslim protest today. What do they hope to achieve!. The cartoons were printed in a Danish paper, they have never (to my knowledge) been printed in UK, there has been two UK...
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aka estie
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Events over the last five years have thrown into focus the likely nature, causes and locations of the next global conflict. In a time when both the western and Islamic cultures are viewing each other...
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Was is all this crap i keep hearing on the news about cartoons. i only keep hearing bits, i dont know the fullstory
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I read in this mornings Mirror another story of 'yobs' mistreating a cat. They threw it from a balcony, again and again, and filmed it, 'for fun'. What's making kids act like this? Who's to blame?...
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OK OK I know this is going to make me sound stupid, but what exactly do these people actually want?? Why are the terrorists so keen on murdering us? If they hate us so much why do they live in Britain...
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Stu in USA
I know this isn't "news" to anybody, but even when he's reading from a script, this man gets it wrong. To bolster support for his illegal wire-tapping, he described a planned attack on the "Liberty...
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Did anyone see the story in Yesterday's Sun about moslems kicking up a fuss because Ann Summers have a male blow-up doll called Mustafa 5hag. It got the biggest laugh of the day in work. Still...
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If Iran where to be allowed to develop a Nuclear Weapon do you think they would be able to resist using it, probably on Isreal or even the "great satan"?
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I was traveling home from work in my mates car this evening,Along with another person so infact their where 3 of us in the car.I told me mate about comment from the athletic bilboa coach directed at...
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Do you think Ken Livingstone should apologise for the Nazi jibe?

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