My sisters front tooth has just fallen out for no apprant reason. She had a check up 6 months ago everything was good. She has not fallen or knocked it and was not eating anything hard when it just...
I am looking at a holiday to LA (just for a few days) what hotel or area would be best to stay in to visit main attractions like Rodo Drive, Walk of Fame etc? Any other recommendations would be...
Can anybody recommend a good product/cloth etc to remove dog from sofa, clothes, bedding etc?
I have a small terrier so it' not loads of hair but it's a pain trying to clean it up!
My parents are selling their house and it's been on the market for a couple of months. They did not expext much interest during the winter months however somebody went to see it yesterday and afte...
I have a Lavender Plant and Rosemary Plantin pots should i put these in the shed over winter? If so when should i do this? If i leave them outside should i do anything to protect them?
My dog (Lakeland Terrier 7 Years old) has just killed a rat in the garden. His vacinations are upto date but just want to make sure he won't get ill from killing the rat.
I have Office 2003 but not the FrontPage program i need. I have downloaded a copy but it will not install. Can anyone tell me where i can go to get FrontPage 2003 (i don't mind paying for it). Thanks...
Has anybody singed up with the Simon Coulson Internet Business School. We have recentley signed up and just trying to get up and running selling our first affiliate product and wondered if anyone had...
On Virgin on Demand they keep playing a song in backgroud when advertising all the vampire programmes they have on. It's a woman singing slow song and lyrics are something like "take me back to...
I am trying to install a font and what to set it as default with the settings Regular Size 11 however it won't allow me to have regular it keeps putting Roman. I have tried this on other PC's and it...