A 13years old Spanish girl was murdered by her 38yrs old lover. The age of consent for sex in Spain is at present 13yrs.The Health minister in Spain would like the age of consent raised to 16yrs.in...
Is there a word for a tv programme or film that you know is intended to be a comedy but you don't find it the least bit amusing? All I can come up with is [i]non-serious[i] but I'd prefer a single,...
The temperature hit 39 degrees this afternoon, I left it as late as I could and tried to play a round of golf but nearly melted. At sundown I sat outside in the shade and drank a couple of cool beers...
We have been told by a Muslim ABer that the people of Islam are coming to the west, not for a better life, but to show us ‘the way’. Most of the major problems the world is currently experiencing...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-22933317 Iain Brady is petitioning to be moved to a jail in Scotland, where he could end his life because he wouldn't be force fed, and he could take...
I watched the exposé of the Vatican last night .Silence in the House of God, which was shocking in the extreme but afterwards, I thought why have over 1000 parishioners and 60 Anglican clerics joined...
Back in January 2012 I posted this question; http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Animals-and-Nature/Question1100784.html asking why some people treat rabbits so badly, particularly relating to a rabbit...
In O.E. I tried to send an email to an address which no longer exists. I have sent the message now to the new address, but I keep getting a box telling me 'You have an unsent message, do you want to...
Fingers crossed this one will go better: under advice of Tilly.
Have fun and thanks in advance.
There was a poster called Tilly, who thought the last went rather silly......
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/09/edward-snowden-nsa-whistleblower-surveillance The man behind blowing the whistle on the American NSA's Prism project engineering direct access into the...
Hi, My friend is moving to France soon and has only just realised that the few appliances that she was going to take with her may not work. Appliances include small low power items such as phone...
Simple question really. If you could meet anyone in history and ask them one question, who would it be and what would be the question? For myself, it would Alexander the Great. I would ask if he ever...
Do you believe that - maybe even have examples of - some people can somehow sense what you're thinking or feeling even if they're a long distance away and haven't seen in you in a long while?...
Diplomat awarded £300,000 following accusations of inappropriate behaviour A former diplomat has won £320,000 from the government after he was accused of behaving “inappropriately” to wards a...
Although I 've computers for many years I have never seen the point of using a browser. Whenever I switch on I go straight to Google to find what I want, so what is the point of browsers....