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Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset...
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Why do my cats stick out their tongues, just a little bit. The only pattern seems to be contentment. Also, if you scratch on a cats spine, they have the urge to lick. You have to get the right spot...
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Mum and Dad's mortgage has now been paid off, and they have the deeds. However there is no land registration certificate. They have been told that it's not a problem right now, but it will have to be...
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My 8 year old cat has recently started pooing on the carpet and she is also passing blood. Does anyone know what could be wrong with her?
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Is anyone else experiencing an inordinate number of flies about the house for the time of year? We must get rid of about 30 a day at the moment and they are biggish bluebottle ones, not little midge...
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How long does hair grow in a month?
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My boss has a network terminal, no hard disk. Her keyboard has caps lock permanently on - you can't turn it off, and the only way to type in lower case is to hold the Shift key. In case it was a...
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Is there life after children?
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A friend has just had a scan and on her notes next to measurements the letters BFD or BPD were written can anyone please tell me what they stand for.
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If you breath in steam, won't it condense in your lungs and drown you ?
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Are you the kind of person who finds it dificult to say sorry or the sort that says sorry all the time (as I am).
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Is there any reason why certain tablets must be taken with water and not with tea, a fizzy drink or juice for example?
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How do I go about getting colonic irrigation on the nhs?
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Okay, Andy's mentioned the covers that make him go postal, but which covers are an improvement/ as good as the orginal? I'll nominate Muse's version of 'Feeling Good', Hendrix's 'All along the...
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what year follows the tiger
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What's the name of a place near New York that is cheesy and spreads ? This is a kids homework question that has stumped me.
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When the cartoon mouse Speedy Gonzales is running along, he shouts something. It sounds like 'Ariba! Ariba! Underlay! Underlay! Heppa! Heppa!' What are the actual words and what do they mean?
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What do the following Spanish phrases mean? (1) Ariba (2) Hasta la Vista.
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Having just returned from holiday in Cornwall, i am curious as to the meaning of Stannary town anyone please
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Does anyone know the optimum ratio of washing up liquid to water - or failing that, any alternative cheap bubble-blowing mixture for a 2 year old to use?

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