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Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert - the list goes on. But who are today's classical composers? Indeed, are there any?
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why are northampton and southampton so far apart and where is ampton that they are north and south of
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Is it true that the CEO of McD has just died of a heart attack? How they gonna explain that one?
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I never really watched big brother much, but when I did you never seemed to be able hear what anyone was sayin because their voises were covered by the sound of chickens or an aeroplane. It didnt seem...
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I have had trochanteric (hip) bursitis for 5 months now and in the last three months seem to have developed bursitis in both shoulders. Walking is painful and I can't exercise in the gym (I used to go...
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Medically speaking, lamb, Cauliflower and pears have something in common and are used by doctors. What for and what do they have in commom?
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darth vader
dear ab editor, hear our pleas - here is our petition for a quiz section
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Where can I get the lyrics and hear online the songs 'Love songs of the Nile' and 'Drifting down the Shalimar'
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Where can I find the lyrics and hear the music for ' Love songs of the Nile' and ' Drifting down the Shalimar '
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You know the sort - the message consists entirely of phrases like rabbitproof antediluvian hairnet entitlement. there's no 'click here to unsubscribe' so i assume they're not fishing for live...
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Would they have Dr. in front of their name?
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i broke my back last year and now have metal in my spine. although i am all better now it hurts when it's damp (especially cold and damp) weather. does anyone know why this is?
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do any of you know of any connectionbetween being stung by a bee and not having arthritus
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I am interested in song lyrics that convey contempt, anger, bitterness, disdain etc towards another person. My favourite example is 'I wish that for just one time you could stand inside my...
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What could the bloody bird that woke me up at half 11 last night have been??? surely it shouldn't have been up that late! and can i shoot it with my air rifle if it wakes me up again tonight?
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I have a mild for of apeirophobia, which is a fear of infinity. Does anyone else have any strange phobias or strong dislikes? Answers on a postcard.
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cap'n spanky
well, you know, if you had food, drink and entertainment freely available, some sort of fitness regime and some sort of device for taking away your waste... so basically your normal life but your body...
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When I did this at GCSE I couldn't help think all the symbolism was a load of rubbish and that Golding just wrote a story without thinking about what the conch meant etc. However to keep the teacher...
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colin finch
technical name for wrist
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Hey guys :) i'm just curious to know what your fave book is, mine's 'to kill a mockingbird' by Harper Lee, but i got into a heated discussion with a girl who thought that it was poo and she said i...

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