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am i a prude or is this normal? my male friend met a girl off internet, she had recently had a baby and was married to a man much older than herself(she was 20, he was 60+) anyway they got together...
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hi there, over last few days me and son have been melting our easter eggs to decorate buns and make coco pop buns with, which got me thinking can anyone remember the sticky chocolate coco pop slab...
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hi there, about to have a moan sorry. im not sure if this is normal for a husband and wife with a kid, so please tell me. my husband(30) spends hours on the pc playing a STUPID game (WOW), today for...
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hi was just wondering about my friends parenting views against mine, she follows everything by the book, and i mean everything, her son(9months) has got to be in bed by 7.30, he has to wear baby blue,...
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Hi , i wrote last week about me finding out i had thrush through a smear, and i didnt even know i had it,,,,, thanks for the replies, but will it go away on its own if its not treated,,, i dont even...
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ive just bought my self an off white crochet ra ra skirt with karki trim and i cant decide what top to buy to team it with please help. kitten, xx
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after a recent smear, i got the results back today, saying my smear was negative, but i have thrush,, this unknown to me as i have no sympoms. could thrush live inside without being known and if so...
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during a recent smear, the nurse was quite alarmed that i started bleeding during the test. although she said it was nothing to worry about. she also asked if i had regular tummy ache, which i dont,...
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i suspect my son is teething again, even though he will be 3 soon.(i thought we had done all that) 1st night he had the worst diaorea ive ever seen, he keeps chewing his fingers so im presuming it is...
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over the last few months i have bought numerous new clothes,, tops, skirts, jeans etc. i just love shopping. and because i work 4/5 days a week i only get to wear my new clothes on my days off, i just...
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There is an old dance tune, in the video a woman is walking through a city holding a big heart as song goes on it gets smaller, then she meets a bloke and it back to big heart again. (think same era...
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well it will be just over a week since Declan has had his bottle, and still against his beaker, but have been giving him plenty of fluid in his foods (cereal etc),,,, anyway last night we had a...
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basicaly whats the difference between being unhappy and being depressed, and can anyone describe being either of these?
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silly i kno, but i call bingo every hour in an amusement arcade and everytime i do i feel the need to burp,, i dont mind calling it, so surely it cant be nerves???
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To follow on from my toddler trouble question, at the moment we are trying to get him off his bottle and onto a beaker, he is 3 in july, i have tried this before and left beakers of every sort around...
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I have a 31 month old son who i find is way behind for his age and its really getting to me. i heard on the news the other day that the goverment is blaming parents if your child cant tell a short...
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at the moment im working 28hrs a week(part time) i have a 2 1/2 yr old son, my husband works nights. i would love to work with downs syndrome people, but dont know where to start. i cant stop working...
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Hi there, i have an adorable pink sweater(baby pink) high neck with a low back and a cute pink ribbon on the neck to tie into a bow, it's by gap in a lovely soft wool. i really love this jumper at the...
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Hi, i dont know if this is the right place for this question/moan. i just need some reasurance. i have a son who is 28 months, and to me he seems a little behind against some kids his age (im always...
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im due to get married in 10 weeks time, ive done all the planning and got all my bits and bobs,, hubby2be has only arranged his stag do(amsterdam for weekend),,, we get on great usually, and no one...

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