The Club is now Open. Good Evening and Welcome to all our members and to any other waifs and strays that care to grace our clubhouse. It is a miserable night out, as the poet says: No warmth, no...
The Club is now Open. Good evening one and all and welcome once again to the Club. Drinks and nibbles will doubtless be arriving soon, so please everyone draw up your chairs to the fire and get cosy...
The Club is now Open. Thankfully, things are back to normal chez alex as far as t'internet is concerned and I am delighted to once again welcome members to the Club Please make yourselves comfortable...
The Club is now Open. Good evening all. It has come to the attention of the Committee that the electricity bills for these premises have increased to enormous proportions. They are now electricity...
The Club is now Open. Welcome, one and all. How wonderful it is to be back amongst you all. All members will be pleased to note that The Committee will be meeting next week to consider the important...
The Club is now Open. The Committee has decided to re-instate the raffle this week. Prizes so far include : A tin of sardines, sell by date illegible 4 reels of black cotton Half a box of chocolates...
The Club is now open. Welcome one and all . Members are asked to be careful when crossing the moat. Due to staff shortages it has not been thoroughly filtered this week. After the fiasco of a raffle...
The Club is now open. What a delightful week we have had, climaxing in a glorious day at the local fruit and flower show where lordalex's onions failed to impress the judges yet again, but his leek...
The Club is now Open After all the excitement of the quiz night last night, some members may be rather under the weather this evening, so The Committee has requested that all activities be quiet ones...
The Club is now Open. Well, after weeks of stravaiging and gallivanting, it is wonderful to be back in the bosom of the Club. Examination of the Minutes of the meetings held in my absence suggest that...
Hi Mamya Saw you were online and wanted to get in touch. Thanks for holding the fort at the MOFC for the last 2 weeks. All seems to have gone well, though I suspect the cellar may have been raided...
The Club is now Open As the re-instated raffle was not held last week we have a large number of prizes available this week, so the Committee encourages members. After the dreadful events of last week,...
The Club is now Open. After the excitements of last week, let us hope for a calmer evening tonight. The moat has been cleared of tennis balls, the drainpipes have had barbed wire put round and extra...
The Club is now open. The Committee reminds all members that the summer fete is fast approaching. As this is usually accompanied by a break in the weather, members are advised to stock up on rainmates...
The Club is now open. The moat has been thoroughly cleaned since last week and members are advised that swimming is again safe between the lower green flag and the upper green flag. On no account are...
The Club is now open. At the latest Committee meeting, it was decided that, in view of the recent good weather, volunteers would be asked to do the needful. So far the results have been quite...
The Club is now Open. There have been some recent reports of damp patches on the upstairs grand landing. The cleaning staff have been working overtime to overcome this problem, sadly without complete...
The club is now open. Good evening everyone. The Committee have met again and decided. I do hope that members will not be deterred by the ash tonight as the non-raffle has some lush prizes. eg A...
Good Evening. The Club is now open. Welcome everyone. At the last Committee meeting it was decided that there would be no further raffles. However, we do have several items intended for the...