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Hi, Is it an urban myth or can you really buy "dodgy" Sky cards to be able to watch all the channels for free?
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I once heard a story about a man coughing up a lung (in the story he died!!) but I was wondering whether this is actually possible?! Thanx
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i live in a victorian cottage and at present have night storage heaters...does anyone know how much it would cost me to put central heating in? thanks in advance!x
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What were the flavours of the original Fruity Toffos? I know they are still available but the flavours listed just don't sound right. I know there was strawberry, banana, (liquorice?) and I'm sure the...
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There are certain adverts on the TV at the mo that draw me to watch them, ie the wanadoo ad where the guy is being chased by an ostrich and then kangaroos, don't understand it but love it anyway - oh...
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Why is it that Portugal is on Grenwich Mean Time but Spain are an hour ahead?
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I've read often that it is not necessary to 'burp' babies by patting them on the back etc. since the wind will come up anyway.  Is this true?
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Does a superstitious baker have to bake 14 of everything since they would probably view 13 as unlucky?!
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Dick Cheese
Does anyone out there actually enjoy their job and while we're on the subject, what is the most boring job you have ever done?
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How would you feel if you new at some point during your working day you could be secretly filmed by a mystery shopper?  Does anyone know if your employer has the right to do this?
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We have a problem. When we moved into our new home, we noticed that on the windowsill there were some empty egg shells ( of a bug ) and a bug that looked like a tiny, dried and curled up worm. We...
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What is the law regarding reversing out of a private drive into a main road? Is it illegal? The Highway Code says "wherever possible you should reverse IN and drive OUT. My mate got knocked off his...
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Are coffins for adults a standard size? If so, how does the undertaker stop a short than standard body from moving about inside the coffin when it's being taken out of the hearse etc.?
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we're thinking about purchasing a home that had a suicide committed in it in you think we should
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I always asks questions, heres another lol, i eat so much food but only am 9 stone 5 ' 8 at 16. I just eat so much dont put nout on. is there any foods that i could eat without cooking that would put...
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Where i live if you're ill you're said to be "off the hooks". Does anyone know where it comes from?
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What does this mean?! i know it's a saying like 'oh my god,' but I want to know more!
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Do unicorns exist?
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Where do ladybirds live at night?
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How big do Tabby Kittens get

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