As we are all being made aware of the water shortage in UK, what do you think of the old saying.. "If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown, flush it down" Would you do this to save water? Thanks...
Sorry everyone didnt explain myself properly.. Have recently been on a Park Dean holiday at Ruda Park in Croyde Bay.. the songs of the party dances were curry and rice, pineapple pizza and supermarket...
Did anyone see the second part to the ITV dram called 'The Best Man'??? - I thought I had recorded it, but my video recorded BBC instead - doh!!!..someone please put me out of my misery!.
is it me or have i missed an episode of the bill?a few weeks back they had a story of the girl who went missing and they suspected her dad.can anyone help!
What dog has an easygoing nature & good with kids I'm after a medium sized dog, with a good nature, a bit of energy but not loads, also preferably one that won't bite me!!
Have had 2 Hoover TurboPower uprights in the last couple of years and both have broken in the same way. They won't stay 'parked' upright 'cos the little foot button mechanism has broke. So we need a...
OK everyone. This is the most difficult question of all. How the heck do you find a comfy pillow (I've tried about a dozen different types in the last year) and also a mattress. I have to buy a new...
Where can i watch Starlings all flying in formation like on Bill Oddies nature programme? I missed where he was watching the Starlings from, and what time of year is best.
Yesterday we bought a 5month old staff puppy and she's lovely. But she's got this thing about water that she will finish what's in the bowl to the extend of being sick afterwards as her tummy can't...
Hi did anyone see Doctors this afternoon on tv.? one of the doctors sung a beautiful welsh song.Would love to know what it was. If anyone can help I would be grateful.
I have an appointment at 4pm to bring my beautiful girl (Keela) in to be put to sleep. Although I have had dogs die before, I have never had to do this. Can anyone let me know what will happen please?...