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This may sounds really shallow but as long as you're happy within yourself, do you really need friends??!! This may sound a really silly thing to say (I have many friends) but in the last few days,...
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Mines a boiled egg with toast soldiers, followed by milk coffee with lots of sugar.
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I'm going to be in the audience for a new ITV show this Saturday called 'The Big Call' I'll wave at you all if I'm on camera!  Hopefully I'll get picked out of the audience to win all...
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Is it just me, or does everyone find this website strangely addictive. I'm not a computer person AT ALL, but I can't seem to drag myself away from this site. Any other websites you're 'addicted' to?
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Firstly does anyone else often have that dream where you dream you're falling/tripping/slip and you sort of fall into your body and wake up/shake/have a short spasm in your leg. (it's really hard to...
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who, if anyone would be offended if their partner, whilst on a day trip took a porno film to watch, in the company of a small group of other men and women but their partner not being...
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Does anyone have a hangover cure? pls my head is screaming!
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anyone fancy a pint?
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what are the ages of the members here?? are you all 50 plus
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All other things being equal, what would you really really really like to be doing as an occupation? I would just love to be an artist. Or a fighter pilot. Or both! (Not at the same time). How about...
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what can a man do to improve his sperm count??
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I'm doing a uni course and would appreciate it if you could help with my research.   I would like to know if people use gyms/fitness suites and if so if it is for health reasons or due to...
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It was in the People paper (although probably made most of it up) that RobertThompson that tortured and murdered Jamie Bulger (with an acomplice Venebles) was now dating a girlfriend and was keeping...
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not sure whether this is the right category but i just wondered if anyone had heard this urban myth. friend gets onto a tube train late at night and its pretty deserted except for 3 people, 2 men...
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Mine was The Specials at Leicester Poly (though it could have been de Montfort Hall) circa 1980.
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who look foward xmas?
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I have a recurring corn on the inside of my little toe. I treated it with corn plasters, it took ages to go away but now its back. I read somewhere that you shouldn't use corn removal pads on the soft...
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yesterday when I was waiting to pay for my shopping, a young woman slapped her daughter's legs pretty hard.  She was about 3.  I don't know what she had done but her screams brought all the...
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Does anyone else have this stupid phobia?  People seem to think it's funny when I freak out at balloons but it's not really, honestly they really really give me the creeps. They sound, smell and...
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Following on from MargeB's question about prostitution and marriage does anybody know any couples where the female partner has a higher sex drive than her man?  Do men use the old headache excuse...

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