Are any on you folk been fitted with Economy heaters, (not Economy 7 ones) If so could you post your tariff prices. ie, Daily standing charge Day/Normal Rate per unit Night/ Low Rate unit It will be...
This is mine as I was singing it live on stage the first night I met Mrs Nessie 14 years ago.
Nessie x
Have a lovely time this Friday folks !...
There were these two dogs in a vet's waiting room, each eyeing the other suspiciously. One of them turns to the other. "What are you here for?" he asks. "Well," replies the other, "I was feeling...
I'm off to Edinburgh with Mrs Nessie to bring in the New Year on Princes Street. She has recover from her cancer and radiotherapy see's the surgeon in January again. Tail crossed ? And I hope you have...
Have had to spend a few days south and missing my Inverness, back at weekend. Here's a wee song from back hame. Wild Mountainside - Eddi Reader ( Brings a tear to a glass eye)...
Got some today thought they were super loads better that the over salted rubbish you get at another famous fast food company? Think they clown around?...
Now lets see southern England gets heavy rain, hurricane winds, and floods and its headline news. Its like this every other week in Loch Ness and it so cold too. Wimps ! Come to mind. Nessie :- p...
A guy walks up to a beautiful woman in a shopping centre . "Excuse me" he says "But I've lost my wife here somewhere and I can't find her. Could you please help me?" "What do you need me to do?" asks...
This young lady goes into a tattoo parlour and explains to the bloke inside that she wants a tattoo put on her southern region? The bloke say's "That's okay, but I'll need to numb it first" The lady...
A lady goes to her parish priest one day and tells him, "Father, I have a problem. I have two female parrots but they only know how to say one thing." "What do they say?" the priest inquired. "They...
Fellow goes to the jobcentre to look for work and his adviser tells him that there is a job for a assistant gynaecologist in Glasgow. He says "What does the job entail" And his adviser explains that...
She is recovering well has further backup treatment soon for her cancer. She sends you all her love. If link works you'll see she with my...
She is back home after her operation for breast cancer, we find out if any other treatment is required next week, tails crossed? Thanks or all your kind words of support that have touched her. Once...
Mrs Nessie back in ward after operation for breast cancer, she has taken some water but is sleeping just now. Will visit her tonight ( In Disguise) after all I'm shy ? Thanks for all your kind words...