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Lord Unstone

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Now that Lord Longford is no longer with us, the award for the most conceited man alive passes to Paul Burrell. Just listening to the news reports of the trial where he holds forth about being privvy...
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We are going to be in Kathmandu from 17th May then onto Lhasa (Tibet) over the high passes and into the Himalaya and onto Base Camp. What kind of things should we be taking cos we can only have 15kg...
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We have had rain for four days now in South Yorkshire, when will it ever stop?
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wat can i wear on a night out in newcastle to make me luk older im only 17
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are u a tailgater? i am soo fed up of people that drive up close behind you does this drive anyone else mad???
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what is the best peer to peer software out and baout right now?
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does this taste like liquorice and is it found in indian curries? i sometimes find a bit of bark? in my food in indian restaurants and have now made my own but not sure what it is lacking now i have...
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Three vampires walk into a bar. One orders a blood on the rocks. Another orders a double blood. The third simply asks for a mug of hot water. "Why didn't you order blood like everyone else?" asks the...
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Here we go again another so called celebrity competition is it just me or is anybody else sick of these types of show.
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After charging my golf battery all indications are thar it is fully charged.But when used it only last 9-10 holes.Is there any check that will tell me if the battery is holding its charge or there is...
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can you lay it on top of ceramic floor tiles? any do's and don'ts?
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Doc Spock
another round of numpties getting these over-rated accolades. What will happen when we run out of singers, tv presenters and sporty types. Just look at the list of sirs. Elton John then it's all...
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i have a opel corsa 1.2 yesteday iparked my car i thought the engine oil is less so i bought some and put the oil then i started my car but there was too much smoke came out from the exahust so i...
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what can i use to clean my cast iron bath. it never comes up very gleaming!!!
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If Celine Dion has been born say - Doris Cuthbert - and stuck to that name throughout her career - would she be as famous as she is now?
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how do you put an avatar up?could i use a picture from my mobile phone?

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