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lou 26

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My mother in law has recieved a letter from the local council saying they want her to attend an interview cuz they have reason to believe she is commiting benefit fraud. My daughter sleeps in her nans...
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lou 26
My Dad purchased a new laptop at the weekend. He's on dial up internet. When he connects the telephone line the phone starts ringing, and it's one constant ring! Very annoying to say the least, lol....
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What animal or creature are you frightened of or dislike? The one I detest I can't bring myself to even print its name
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wot is the max time u can keep pork in the freezer ? most people have been saying 3-6 months. i,ve been given a pork joint that has been in the freezer since oct 2006 , it looks a bit dodgy.
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Following on from this thread stion525704.html I have taken all of the advice given, I wrote the lady a letter explaining why I could no longer pick her...
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A lot has been discussed about the Michelle / Alex / Ryan storyline in Coronation Street. Is there any one particular story line that would make you think that a soap / series had gone one storyline...
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Anyone having problems getting on this? I can't sign into my hotmail account, so if you've sent me a message I';m not ignoring you. Honest
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I have a letter from bailiff firm jacobs saying they called at my home regarding council tax. I contacted the office over a month ago to set up payment instalments and was told they hadnt yet received...
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It,s going to be a good day because its my day off . So I'm going to jump a train from york and go some where . But I dont Know were to go .suggestions pls 8 hrs max journey time return
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The rumbling woke me and my husband up. Crazy thing is, we just turned over & said it must be a tremor!
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China Doll
Morning All, Been up since stupid o'clock with this sore throat thing again. Only thing is I was feeling better but on one side my glands are still swollen and I now have ear ache; (weirdly my throat...
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I think everyone's been in this situation. You're having a disagreement and someone says something to which you have no answer. Three hours later it suddenly springs to mind. Clever answer to knock...
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lou 26
is anyone having problems signing into messenger at the mo? Ive checked the connection and it says im connected and the service status is saying everything is up and running ok. any ideas?
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What's your biggest mistake that you yourself have made? I'm not interested in blaming others in a roundabout way a la I wish I'd seen that coming etc etc. I am looking for a hold your hands up...
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so the saying goes. What have you learnt so far today? Ive learnt that when a little voice shouts up the stairs 'mummy Im painting' that i should run faster!
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hi all i just wanted to say a big thankyou to everyone on ab family for all the advice you offer me, and everyone else on here. you are always very quick to answer any questions i have and all seem to...
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hi my nephew had a tomy toddle n ride for his birthday, its the sort that is a walker and turns into a little bike with a trailer. the prob is the instructions was not in the box. does anyone know...
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how do you get rid of yours? I've taken parcetamols 2hours ago and they are not working. I'm tired and have been under a bit of stress so I think that's why I've got one. will go for a walk on my...
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I ve been with my other half now for 18 months and its going pretty well actually. However occasionally he talks about his ex . he does it matter of factly and isnt all lovey dovey about her in fact...
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lou 26
Im not very technical minded so here goes Which is the better intel processor Dual-core T2330 (laptop) or Intel Core 2 duo E4500 and what, if any, are the differences?

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