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Lucy Thomas

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anotheoldgit 6/Prime-suspects-new-arrests-Antigua-killing-B ritish-honeymooners.html Why is the Guardian behind in the...
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I was reading in the paper that the RAF is so short of men, that they are going to recruit men from Jamaica. That is how my Dad came here. What do you all thnk of this?? Obviously, they will be...
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anotheoldgit 1/Anti-facist-protesters-clash-riot-police-out side-BNP-festival.html Another example of how nasty and violent the Left can be. They are not great...
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Why is it that eating salty stuff is so moreish? Peanuts on a Bar ? Popcorn in the cinema ? You can't stop shovelling it into your mouth. Why is this ?
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When do they finish ,please ?
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Lucy Thomas
Look on the link and tell me if you notice anything odd about the times on the top of some of the comments. rumID=5230&edition=1&ttl=20080815135417
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not to answer this, my question, to ascertain whether or not people will refuse to answer my question. Please let me know ASAP
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Omagh Bombings 10 yrs on and still no one brought to justice, same with many other terrible crimes! How do people live with their conscience knowing they have committed these terrible atrocities! I...
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I mentioned a while ago that i was having to have a circumcision. Then it was delayed for two months. I had it a week and half ago, under a general, and went home the same night. just as i was getting...
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My friend has a husband and they are seperated at the moment, he was adopted as a child and has severe rejection issues, as soon as he feels slightly threatened he bolts. He knows he has issues but...
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Was just wondering, i would love to give my girlfriend oral sex, but the only problem is, sometimes there is a really bad odour down there, can anyone suggest anything that might stop that odour or...
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Why can't some people on AB make their point, comment or argument without resorting to contrived swear words, going to the trouble of substituting letters for numbers, leaving gaps and other ways of...
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Beejay1124 which charity do you wish to nominate? tom
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Watched equestrian/cycling/sailing/swimming/ muslim looking names among them? Not even in the archery?
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When I beggan reeding this artical, I inittially thought, "stupid idea"...but perhaps their is a logic in alowing sertain comonly mis-spelled words into the dictionery....
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There have been a couple of incidents, which may be the start of a worrying trend, of ordinary people being nasty to arrogant showoffy rich folk... A party of revellers led by Flavio Briatore were...
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a social networking site or a forum or what?
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Hope this woman has a good explanation when she is found:
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My first cat will not clean himself and he stinks really bad!! Instead my other cat cleans him; which is causing my second cat to have coughing fits because of the hair balls. What should i do about...
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anotheoldgit cle-1042816/Georgia-declares-15-day-state-war- 1-500-civilians-left-dead-Russia-conflict.html Should America back Georgia in this conflict?

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