I've been back an seen a different doctor this morning and he said the same as the women doctor I saw yesterday change my diet.. Eat fibre an starchy food for 2 weeks if that doesant work then change...
Last night my husband and I went out for dinner and he told me he had got me something from work - imagine my surprise when it was a tie pin with an SA80 rifle on it (how romantic and what to wear it...
ive been diagnosed with restless leg syndrome, which there is no cure for. does anyone else have this and know of any thing that can help?? its not so much painful but makes it difficult to sleep, and...
We are moving house and I have been considering the effect of installing solar panels on the roof. I obviously have loads of questions. How mich do they cost? Is the installation messy? Are there any...
i was up very late last night talking to nice people about their ist.jobs,it was great,i think i am getting a bad addiction to this site,btw.what was your first job?
Carrying on from the very funny competition started by Peter Serafinowicz, just wondering if any of you can make some good vegetable popstar, movie star or film puns. I shall kick us off: Pea Diddy...
I posted last night, my 2 Jack Russells, both daft as a brush and lovable for England were attacked by 3 dogs whilst out walking yesterday . They are ok, thank god, but I really am not,the terrified...
We have developed a series of jelly moulds that you can view on our web site www.jellyvision.co.uk we believe this is a unique product and we are supplying at trade prices to companies like yourselves...
I had an operation on my shoulder last Friday , since when I've been on very strong pain killers . Intravenous morphine in the hospital & since then 4 times a day a cocktail consisting of 2 tramadol...
The G20 protest is taking place today in London. "Protesters" have now begun smashing windows and breaking into the RBS. Is this democracy at work? What odds on a full scale riot before the afternoon...
My dentist recently did my root filling but an instrument snapped and got stuck in the root of my tooth. He said he can't get it out and only a specialist can which will cost me ?650. If i leave it in...
My mate has been caught growing cannabis in his bedroom, hes been to county court and now must go to crown court, He had about 40 plants and they said it was a years supply, is he looking at a...
I went to the doctors last week and they think I have anemia. I am to go back for blood tests at the end of the week. However, over the last few days I have noticed my symptoms have got a bit worse....