In 1994 Antony Gormley sat in a studio in Merseyside and made 40,000 clay figures, titled European Field. Does anyone know where they are currently being exhibited? Thanks :-)
Hi! I have an English Language exam coming up and for some revision i've been advised to find out about language theories but I don't know where to start looking! If anybody knows any theories or...
Does anyone know where I can get a second hand/discounted Leap Frog Learn and Groove Activity Station? They are ?80 new but my 6 month old tried one at a friend's and was smitten!
My soon-to-be ex-husband only sees our 16-month-old daughter between the hours of 10 am and 7 pm on a Sunday. He refuses to look after her overnight at any time, so I never get a night off. Does this...
Last night in bed I noticed this big insect thing I hadn't seen before running on my carpet. I put an empty glass over the top to have a look - it had 8 legs, so assume it was a spider. It was much...
'ello I just wondered if anybody had had any experience with living in a basement apartment and if so what the pro's and con's were? If there were any pros!!! Its a grade 2 listed building being...
I am attempting to make home made burgers this wednesday,ant tips.i.e secret ingedients,how to cook,iv never done it before,i need to make enough for 5 people...thanks.
Now I am about to qualify as a teacher, I would really love to re-read all my old GCSE and A Level exam papers and coursework from 1992 - 1996. Are these things stored anywhere after being marked? If...
can anyonew tell me if museli is actuali good for you, i always thought it was but its so high in calories? even the 'healthy ones' like no added sugar etc are 2
My son (14) is suffering badly at the mo with heyfever but today he was given a detention for sneezing !!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes I know he does sneeze a lot when he has the heyfever as I do but do you think...
can anyone better this super group line up:lead vocals-robert plant.lead guitar jimi hendrix.bass john entwistle.drums ginger baker.keyboards keith emerson.a truely awe inspiring line up i think.look...
My husband and I are off to London for the weekend soon and we're planning on going to see the Woman in Black at the Fortune Theatre while we're there. I read the book at school and saw the film and...
*** it jusst my immajinayshun, orr doo thay know longher teech spellign in scoohls thees days? i esstimaite at leest three qaurters of the qeustoins and awnsers on thiss sight have basick splleing...