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who sing and waht is the title of the song which goes 'you've got the love i need to see me through' the start of the song sounds like music from the game tetris... well sorta. cheers
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can anyone tell me why my garden has been overrun with giant slugs 4"-6". I haver never noticed them before, they decided to perch themselves in my rabbits food. Are they normally this size and how...
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It was about some (irish or scottish) guys trying to make money, they dug up a graveyard to sell it as turf, offered to sell lamb to a guy in a pub, but when they delivered it it was a live sheep......
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i have a pair of timberland boots and one of the pair rubbs on my big toe and makes it sore and breaks the skin,that i cannott wear them ,how can i soften the boots without damageing them
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E Dinham
My daughter has a verruca on the top of her little toe which has been there years, and is now starting to spread, we have been going to the doctors who freezes it and have applied various things such...
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Did anyone/partner get any odd cravings when they were pregnant. I myself used to eat bars and bars of orange flavoured chocolate, matchmakers being a favourite and also chocolate oranges, mmm. But in...
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Can you still buy this? The brown, fairly mild stuff?
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It's not the La's version it an early 90's dance song goes -there she goes, there she goes, you don't wanna live you life through... keep keep keep it ... 1, 2, 3, 4 sorry its a bit sketchey. Does...
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Go on, own up, you do sometimes don't you? What's your favourite but probably less than healthy snack? (Mine has to be American style hot dog sausages in a white roll & smothered with tomato ketchup!...
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what ever happened to the crisps that were in the shape of little hollow piglets..???? does anyone remember them?
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i'v always wanted to own a motor bike. I'm thinking of buying a small motor cycle to start with. upto what size bike can i ride on a full uk driving license for a car? do i need to do a basic test...
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when you delete a number from your mobile phone where does it go?
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Anyone friends with a famous person? I don't mean live in the same village, see them in Tesco's or know their second cousin - I mean actual buddies.
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who sings this song?
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song title needed only know one line in the song " you want it all but you can't have it ". would like some help with artist , title or album, anything would help.
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Four friends left one slice of pizza in the kitchen and went into the next room to play games. During the next half hour, each friend left the room for a few minutes and then returned. At the end of...
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It's here again. Friday the thirteenth. Now I'm not supersticious (touch wood), but what horrid things have happened to you on this supposedly unlucky day?
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Just by intrest what is your favourite simpsons moment, I want to recap happy memories of them. Thanx
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What your favourite flavour Crisps? without a doubt... Cheese & Onion!
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after the question about what people are like i just wondered .

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