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The walls at the rear of my recently purchased victorian terraced house have been damp proofed, although I am not sure when. However, at some point following the damp proofing the rear yard has been...
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2nd row
When you were a youngster, did you dream, or plan, to be 'something ' when older ? you know , like fireman, engine/train driver, a pop star, actor, pilot,  model, just the perfect mum and wife...
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what is the duration of flight from manchester to sydney
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myself and my friend (both 19) are heading off in the middle of january to either barcelona or milan. But we cannot decide which we should pick.  We both enjoy going out at night clubbing or just...
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Violence is up again on the London streets. A gay man was brutally murdered last week-end for no apparent reasons. Few weeks ago a man was murdered in his own house following a burglary. On...
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Does anyone know of any uses for bicarbonate of soda, for example for cleaning, in the home?
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I am almost apoplectic with rage: why can't this man be an EU commissioner just because, as a result of his deeply held religious beliefs, he happens to think homosexuality is wrong?   Granted it...
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how long is the flight from san francisco to australia?
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Do all dogs malt
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does anyone know any good pumpkin recipes apart from pumpkin soup or pumpkin pie
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can anyone tell me what prague is like in feburary
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I have had huge problems in buying life assurance against the mortgage repayments for my new house. The house has been bought by myself and my partner. Because we are two guys, huge amounts have been...
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sarah :O)
I keep finding GIANT SPIDERS (the size of a small hand) in my house particularly in the bathroom.  Where the hell do they come from, all windows are now closed, please dont tell me they live in...
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Am I entiteld to compensation/reimbursement from the airline if my flight is delayed? I was delayed for just under 12 hours. They have offered me a 'free' round-trip ticket. (I have to pay taxes, etc...
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I'm off to Florida on holiday in a couple of weeks and want to record the normal tourist highlights on film. Should I buy a Digital Camcorder in the UK or wait until we get to the States where prices...
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what is a miniple travel agents and where can i find one?????
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I am selling my house and the buyer said his survey came back that I need the whole house re-wired, there is asbestos is the artex on the kitchen ceiling (the surveyor did not take a sample of the...
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Is too much black or white pepper harful, or does it have its benefits ?
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i have a turtle in a tank and i would like to put some fish in there with him, will he eat the fish if they are small and when grows big will he eat them then? are there any kind of fish turtles don't...
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My male cat 8 yrs old, neutered, has disappeared in the past several times but always came back. Once he disappeared for one year. He was born in the house, lots of love and everything. We have his...

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