I thought it was universally accepted that the above phrase is the polite way of saying 'I have no desire to ever speak to you again'. After two dates with one guy last week and a request for a third...
Just ben on the phone to a company who in the middle of the conversation mentioned the call was being taped. I there a law requiring warning of the taping before it is taped? I would add it was a...
When i was in Japan last summer I learnt that children have a kind of notebook they carry with them during the holidays. Adults can write comments in this notebook (even total strangers) to say how...
What is the best music to train to? I downloaded a few teracks last night such a Pinj - Try and Cotton Eyed Joe. Does anyone have any other suggestions please?
I don't have a clue why I am awake at this ungodly hour and I will no doubt suffer for this as the day wears on. :-( On a brighter note I have made a massive batch of Rocky Road. :-) I hope your...
'From The Streets To The Hudson' Smog plugged into a polyphonic dome and concrete blossoms under my heels; removed from Irish fields, where frothy ambrosia turns luminous, curling the silken sheet of...
Ì have an idea to buy some land in France with other people and start making something like Auroville in India. I have had a recent good idea on how to generate money for land taxes and externally...
no cuppas or cake chez moi this afternoon as i have to go to treliske hand manipulation clinic. just a little problem - i hope, but cannot act as host today.
hope someone else can help....
Just watched latest episode of Dexter.Enjoyed a glass or two of an acceptable port and a fine brandy.Going to bed satisfied now.How do you wind down at night ?
Su Pollard
Tony slattery
Nina Mishkow
Gary Bushell
Admittedly I don't watch TV or read newspapers anymore - but when I did, they alway seemed to be on/in everything at one time...
You and your OH are with company, In a large hotel standing at the Bar, there are lots of people around & you want to fart, You try your very best to hold it, but you can feel the pressure building...
Today I have paid good money (well euros actually) to see, amongst other marvels, a copy of Big Ben made entirely of lemons ... I think I may have been overdoing the Campari ......