If the Christian faith (in all it's various guises) is the predominant religion across the planet then why do certain organisations deem it necessary to knock on people's doors to tell them about it...
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you that kill the prophets and stone those who are sent to you! How often have I longed to gather your children, as a hen gather her broo d under her wings, and you refused! So...
Probably gonna get some flack for this but, my job is to phone people and ask them if they would like to take part in surveys. I don't want to sell anyone anything and I make that very clear when i...
Is there a better way of calculating the most popular choice in a set of answers? Normally, you would use the mean (average), but one person choosing a wildly different answer would throw the whole...
Assuming that you believe in a God that created everything, whether specifically or through evolution, my question is WHY did God create that that is? Why so many stars? Why animals and other...
Further to my stupid question earlier relating to the non-existent 'technology' of IMHO, Can anyone tell me what technologies could perhaps be in the pipeline to replace LCD?
Someone showed me a website that had loads of TV shows available to be streamed. I was wondering if anyone knew of this site or one that is similar. Thank you.
Ive been looking on Dell website as my mom wants to buy my younger brothers a new computer. Im really confused as to the processors, last time I looked im sure there were not as many as there are now....
Not sure this is the right section, but here goes. The 3 wisemen/kings travelled from the East. If we were to depict moving from the East we would show their direction as coming from the right of a...
Do we NEED holy books to teach us morality, or is it inbuilt ? If you need the Quran or the Bible to tell you what is right or wrong, is there not something wrong with your morals....ie...you would...
hi ya well theres bin a few people over the years that seem to send me txts from the internet, like o2 or sumin, im confused? does this mean i can get free txting via the net or sumin and if so how?...
Could someone please answer me this. An applications package runs correctly on machine A, but the same package does not operate correctly on machine B. make a list of basic computer system...
Could someone please explain to me why the office 2000 applications software package will not operate on a pc which i have? I have a pc from 1995, it is a 486 system with 8 MB of memory that runs the...
Please help. I am not a scientist, but I need to know if what the author is saying is based on sound science. Please put aside your own personal beliefs on creationism/evolution, and just examine the...
Hello everyone, Is it safe to use remote desktop? I have a good strong password and security software but i'm not sure if the connection between the host and the remote computer can be intercepted. I...
hi, i live in china for about five years and lived in many many cities, what i wanna ask is : why Chinese are stupids? that what usually ask my self and friends, they haven't any common seance and...
Ok I have been seeing a bloke that I love to bits but he just isn't ready to settle down, he is very muddled and doesn't know who he is, what he wants etc. I have always been a person to stay where I...