You know the horrible squeaky voiced woman in this series.Does anyone know is this voice for real or is she putting it on? Strange question,but I just can`t work her out !
seen an advert for there cd on telly,they have a song which goes-everyday i love you less and less.Is this a cover of an old 80s song,it really sounds familiar
My husbands niece brought home a bird about 2 days ago.It was a young fledgling that had either fell or been abandoned,she phoned for help i`m not sure who,they told her to drown it.My hubby brought...
Dunno if i`m in right section.but no religion or beliefs section.What does allah either akhbar or quabar,heard it few times.mainly in demo`s and angry situations
Me and partner have been feeling very tired/lethargic for about 3-4days now.We been getting up late about 12ish feeling tired by about 5pm,having a nap for hour or 2 and going to bed again by about...
My partener has recently been feeling thirsty all the time,and is very tired/sleeping a lot.Are these symptoms of diabetes,i know thirst is,and peeing a lot .He is not peeing a lot though. He used to...
Ive been wanting to dread up my hair for ages,but scared it won`t suit me.Does anyone a website where maybe you can download your picture and try different styles on it. Thanks
another question bout miami vice,the guy think he`s called tubbs.Me and hubby trying to work out what race he is,he looks bit aborigine,hawaian no idea anyone know,he dont look like...
what year was miami vice on tv?been watching repeats on men n motors,just wondering.Thought it cool at time-it looks really cheesy now,me and hubby laugh at it.
I have been wanting to dread up my hair for ages,but im not sure if it will suit me,and if it doesnt i`ll have too cut it out.Does anyone know a website that you can maybe download your picture to and...