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my seven month old kitten was neutered last month and I had hoped it would quieten him a little as he is quite mad. He is full of energy and always running round the house playing with toys. His...
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this morning one of my cats has been killed on the road who ever hit him did not even have the decency to lay him on the side just left him laying in the road the basxxxd! bless his little heart not a...
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A cat of my acquaintance, who I see on my way to & from work, sometimes gently nibbles my hand when I pet him. If I stroke his head or hold my hand there, he rubs against it, and sometimes...
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I don't just mean physiologically, as in how the purring occurs, but why cats purr to show us they are content but other animals don't. Granted, humans smile and dogs do to an extent, as well as wag...
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My two bosses are brother and sister. They were born to a feral mummy. Princess Merlin is a beautiful long haired black and white moggie. She has got a really short fuse and thinks nothing of biting...
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My cat is unsociable downstairs most of the time, but won't leave me alone upstairs. She sits on my knee while I am on the computer, then gets off, walks around in a circle sticks her head into my...
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Can someone please tell me what everyone is going on about when they say "s.w's to you". She says it, the audience say it and I feel left out! Help please.
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Many years ago I discovered, the JD Williams clearance website, and I have used it ever since. I have recently opened a Littlewoods account & was somewhat shocked at the high prices,...
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I've just left my car in a supermarket car park, and when I've come back out - found that the person parked next to me hit my car when driving out of their space. I now have a beautiful scratch and...
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I am 37 and recently suffered a heart attack. I am on the mend and want to go on holiday. Does anyone know if I will be able to get holiday insurance and should I mention my heart attack?
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for those of you who want to play on the internet - i want to insure my son - 18 just passed test for a corsa 1200cc SXI reg numbers are OW04 FNK or YA55 EJU. What are the best deals you can come up...
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The Government is considering making micro chips compulsory for dogs. Can you ,already, hear the screams of the Human Rights mob? Owners rights abused !!
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Today I parked in a disabled bay (though I have a blue badge it is for my mother who was not in the car but I was shopping on her behalf). I put the badge up and was less than 10 mins in the shop when...
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There is a car parked on the road near me who's tax has run out (only by a few days). It annoys me that people think they can get away with this and it may be an indication that it doesn't have an MOT...
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I'm about to trade in my s-reg Ford Fiesta and buy a 2nd hand car (from trade). Does anyone have any tips for haggling etc?
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What is the top speed of and what is the cost of a : Toyota Celica GT ,VVTLY-I ,2005-2006, 1796cc, 2 door, manual gearbox petrol engine ???
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Bewlay Bros
I am picking up a new car tomorrow and changed Insurance companies. They are not issuing a certificate of insurance and state I can print one off myself. I know you can get tax off the internet...
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I have tried the suggested way(from hand book) to open my ford focus bonnet with no success. Any other ideas?
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OK all the blokes can laugh at me now. The door lock button on my key fob has been working only when it feels like it for a little while now, the open part is working fine. When I left my car this...
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My colleague at work has just got a Renault Scenic (57 plate) automatic. She's only had it 3 weeks and it's drinking petrol for fun. She's only doing around 150 miles per week and it's costing her...

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