How do you make really nice gravy? I always put the juice from the meat in it along with the bisto but it always comes out bland and crap. How can I rectify this?
What did everyone think of Corrie last night? I can't make my mind up whether it was utterly crap or so so so good. I thought it was a bit like a cheap and cheesy action movie that would...
Where have all the song thrushes gone? Have they just dwindled or moved to different areas - gone south maybe? I live in Derbyshire, have a chemical-free not too tidy garden, hedges...
Does anyone have any views on the suitability of a KLIPPAN sofa for use in a conservatory/ family room? They seem to be extremely popular but the low price is making me ask. Many thanks.
I have a hydranga which is low growing and trailing on the ground because of the number of heads on the bush and also the thinness of the stems. I think it needs pruning, but how?
but I wanna start drinking one of them so if i started to drink coffee which I dont mind is there any good things about it I know it helps u stay awake but is there any particular reason I should...
I'm showing my age now, but I used to love watching Billy Bunter of Greyfriars on TV. We have digital radio & I was listening to it the other day on the One Word story channel. What happened to the...
when I tied my tomato plant up I broke off a vine that had some tomato's on it they are green, I was wonding what I can do with this vine or are the tomatos lost.
How can I stop wasps coming into the house? I get bad allergic reactions to wasp stings. I have a one year old daughter and I worry that she will have the same type of reaction.
My sister has a lump in her armpit, she says its very painful. I felt it+it is quite large. She is 17 so i know it would be rare for it to be serious but what do you think? Could it be a swollen...
Wasn't quite sure where to put this one, but this'll probably do. I was reading a book recently set in Scotland in around 1815. It mentioned that it was against (Scottish) law for a man to marry the...